
Showing posts from December, 2014


By Mary Ann Wray Have you ever pulled out of your driveway after looking both ways twice but backed into the trashcan left out from the day before anyway because of a ‘blind spot’ in your vehicle?   How about running over a curb while making a right turn or pulling into a parking space? Despite our best efforts we sometimes fail to ‘see’ certain things that can potentially damage or slow us down.  Have you ever said any of these things about yourself to anyone? Have you ever heard anyone else use some of these phrases as reasons or excuses for acting, believing or communicating the way they do? “This is just the way I am. It’s my personality so just get used it. I don’t need to change for anyone. Why can’t you just accept me the way I am? God made me this way so don’t judge me.”  If we are honest with ourselves, I think we can all say we have either said or thought these things at one time or another. In fact subconsciously, we tend to use such st...