Disciple Apprenticeship... The Spiritual Art of Christ-like Measurement
Disciple Apprenticeship... The Spiritual Art of Christ-like Measurement By Mary Ann Wray With the renaissance of the Holy Spirit being poured out in these last days as prophesied in Joel 2: 28 and as the Apostle Peter addressed before the crowd in Jerusalem after the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2: 14-21) there has been much interest and emphasis on giftings, callings and talents. While this is powerfully prophetic and part of our New Covenant inheritance, something else of equal and great importance has suffered lack in the Body of Christ. Now more than ever, with the increasing moral landslide happening all over the earth and deteriorating Biblical values in family and social life, character development is extremely critical for any child of God to become effective for Jesus Christ on a long term, lifelong basis. We need both of these godly attributes emphasized in a holistic way, if we are to continue in the Christian Journey for the long haul. My Pastor wisely says...