JEZEBEL'S EUNUCHS Mary Ann Wray Jezebel's eunuchs can be male or female. You recognize them by the fact that they don't reproduce or produce ministry fruit of their own. They are pawns in this spirit's hand and pledge allegiance to man before Christ. They will sell out and die for a man/ woman no matter how cruel or corrupt he/ she is. They have been taken captive by this spirit's will and blinded by its power over them because they have taken bribes for influence and power in her circle, payment for doing her favors and work, and believe her false promises of life and ministry. Eunuchs have unresolved insecurity and identity issues like Jezebel; but their gift and/ or sphere of influence is not as strong as hers/ his. That is how they become ensnared in its web of deceitful power. If you've been bribed and/ or duped by a Jezebel Spirit in ministry, cry out to God for deliverance. He will confirm to you what is going on behind the scenes enabling you ...