
Showing posts from February, 2014

Get off the Hobby Horse! It's time to Really Ride!

Get off the Hobby Horse! It's time to Really Ride! Mary Ann Wray When I was very little, my parents bought me a rocking hobby horse. It was very lifelike and had four springs connected to each leg of the horse. The problem was it held little to no interest with me. When I mounted it, I was expecting something different to take place. I was hoping it would take me somewhere. When I realized all it did was move up and down or back and forth, I got very bored with it quickly. I wanted nothing to do with that fake horse, so I thought! My mother finally put it up in the attic because I didn't like to play with it. It just collected dust. When I got married I asked for it for my children to play with. My youngest hated it as much as I did but my oldest, loved it and would play on that thing for hours. He enjoyed the rocking movement. One day while I was in the other room, I heard the rocking abruptly stop. Alarmed, I went inside to see what was the matter, and ...