Get off the Hobby Horse! It's time to Really Ride!
Get off the Hobby Horse! It's time to Really Ride!
Mary Ann Wray
Mary Ann Wray
When I was very little, my parents
bought me a rocking hobby horse. It was very lifelike and had four springs
connected to each leg of the horse. The problem was it held little to no
interest with me. When I mounted it, I was expecting something different to
take place. I was hoping it would take me somewhere. When I realized all it did
was move up and down or back and forth, I got very bored with it quickly. I
wanted nothing to do with that fake horse, so I thought!
My mother finally put it up in the
attic because I didn't like to play with it. It just collected dust. When I got
married I asked for it for my children to play with. My youngest hated it as
much as I did but my oldest, loved it and would play on that thing for hours.
He enjoyed the rocking movement. One day while I was in the other room, I heard
the rocking abruptly stop. Alarmed, I went inside to see what was the matter,
and there he was sprawled across the hobby horse in a dead sleep! LOL.
This analogy can represent how some
people view Christianity and how we can operate in our faith!
#1. Some people want to see a genuine move of God. When
Christianity becomes mechanical and repetitive without the real thing i.e.,
Jesus and a real move of the Holy Spirit, they lose interest, get restless and
go into a wandering mode. The key is not to quit pursuing God, because there
are plenty of people who have the same passion as you. Remember Elijah and the
7000 who didn’t bow their knee? (Romans 11: 4)
#2. Some people enjoy the familiarity
and routine that tradition can bring. However, this is a religious trap that
the enemy sets for us because by nature, we don’t always like the cost of
pursuit because our conscience wants to feel satisfied with ‘just enough’ of
God to make us feel like we’re on the right path. In reality we’re going
nowhere! Without realizing it we can
fall into a state of spiritual slumber because of this ‘spiritual satisfaction’.
Herein lays the challenge to us as
believers, individually and corporately:
# 1. We must assume personal
responsibility for our own spiritual growth,
development and calling or else we can grow weary, faint and restless.
Hence we become vulnerable to satan's temptations for a lack of fervency and
pursuit. We need to stop looking to a
man to fill us and look to THE MAN, Christ Jesus who fills and completes ALL
things! Study to show yourself approved unto God!
#2. Church can easily fall into a pattern
of religious monotony and empty traditions holding no life unless we
corporately and actively pursue the heart of the Father and seek His Holy
Spirit in and through prayer, praise, worship and obedience. It’s so easy to
get into a “cruise control” mode and rely on past successes and paradigms that
rendered some measure of fruitfulness. Without realizing it, we can get lulled
to sleep and what was once useful by the Holy Spirit becomes an empty form of
practice. This is the most dangerous of all!
I believe part of my calling and
ministry to the Body of Christ is to be a reformer: to see the saints of God
awakened back to their first love, the reality of the Father Heart of God and
the power of the Spirit for NOW. I will
continue to preach it's time to get back to the Bible, stop all the man worship
and seek a move of God through fasting corporate prayer and the living God no
matter who likes me or not.
At one time, I was lulled to sleep and
blinded by tradition, disappointments and man worship. We are to respect those
in authority over us, in the natural and the spiritual, but they DO NOT replace
Jesus or the Holy Spirit! We are called the sons of God because we are led by
the Spirit of God! (Romans 8: 14)
You see, God awakened me out of a deep spiritual slumber back in 2005 after a several year period of devolution, and I have actively pursued my Father ever since. It has cost me much but I count all loss as gain for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord! I can only minister out of what He’s done for me, in me and through me. I have not arrived yet, but I know the price we’ve paid/ prayed to be where we are today. I will never be ‘ready’ in terms of having done enough or be totally matured until He calls me home, but I am willing and able to go where He tells me to go and do what He tells me to do. I am so DONE with vain and empty tradition. I am SO ready for a genuine move of God and to help be a catalyst for change. I’ve long gotten off of the hobby horse and ready to be a rough rider for Christ! What about you?
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