Jezebel-The Cruel Mother
The Cruel Mother
would like to share with you a vision the Lord gave me Sunday morning, 17
August 2014. I pray it will bring clarity and healing to those who may need it...
Please understand that I am not a "witch-hunter" nor do I go looking for a demon behind every bush. This insight came to me by a Spirit of Revelation and the Lord unveiled many things to me that I have witnessed over the nearly 40 years I have served Him. Many things have come into clearer focus and that is what I am attempting to share here.
Please understand that I am not a "witch-hunter" nor do I go looking for a demon behind every bush. This insight came to me by a Spirit of Revelation and the Lord unveiled many things to me that I have witnessed over the nearly 40 years I have served Him. Many things have come into clearer focus and that is what I am attempting to share here.
I was waking from sleep this particular morning I saw a left female hand on a
wall without a ring-only a wide cuff bracelet. The hand began to move slowly.
What is it Lord, I asked? I immediately knew what it was.
Father unfolded more revelation the following days after this vision. This not
only gave me insight as to how this spirit works in and against the Body of
Christ (as well as in the world's system), but it also gave me prophetic
insight as to why I have struggled personally to develop spiritually and emerge
as a prophetic minister for years. Jezebel has been 'unmasked'!
a Phoenician Princess, daughter of King Ethbaal, a Baal worshipper, and High
Priest, was married to King Ahab who was a Jew but he was fearful and worldly.
Because he was not totally submitted to the Lord she was able to seduce him
into her pernicious ways. She was in covenant but a worldly demonic one. She used
a ‘religious spirit’ to seduce Ahab for her own advantage and did not love him.
He was her slave, not her lover. He feared her and she hated him. He did not
love God with all of his heart and was not pleasing to Him. His heart was
divided and Jezebel used that to her advantage.
is interesting to note that when Queen Jezebel was cut down only her skull,
hands and feet were left to bury after the dogs (who represent those out of
covenant with God) consumed her flesh (2 Kings 9: 35). The skull represents
headship. Hands and feet represent the leading and guiding parts of our Body.
Jezebel is masked by a religious spirit substituting law for grace. Without the
hands and feet we are paralyzed, immobile and unable to work. Without Christ as
our Head in everything we do through the leading of HIS Spirit we fall prey to
the control of Jezebel which is the Spirit of the Age, the Spirit of
Anti-Christ that ultimately wants to bewitch the people of God back into the
law verses God's grace to govern our lives (Galatians 3: 1-4). Prophetically,
in Luke 24: 39 Jesus told his disciples after His resurrection to look at His
hands and feet and touch Him to see He was not a ghost. He was and is the fulfillment of all the law and prophets!
is the spirit of the Anti-Christ, the spirit of the Age, therefore it is
neither male nor female. One day the Anti-Christ himself will manifest as a
man. However, this spirit can manifest through men and women. Homosexuality is
one fruit of Jezebel causing masculine traits in women and female traits in men
through cross dressing and sexual acts that go against God's creative design.
Women were designed to receive the male genitalia and sperm likewise men were
created to join with and impregnate the female. That is why God considers it an
abomination. He takes it very personally because this spirit and its related acts contradict His
creative design for mankind. It offends His Heart. Therefore, its results cause
serious emotional, spiritual damage and in many cases physical illnesses to
those who fall prey to it.
29: 18 Where there is no prophetic
vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.
wants to overwrite God’s vision on people’s hearts (hand on the wall). If she can’t do it through
seduction she will do it by confusion so that people are not able to ‘see’ Kingdom vision clearly because of the chaotic spirit she brings into a situation.
ascension gifts of Christ (God’s prophets) lead by guiding and serving (Jesus’
Hand and Feet) giving the Body of Christ opportunity to learn, discover and
grow spiritually through revelation and sound doctrine. Jezebel’s prophets
direct by domination and control (her hands and feet) which forces her
followers to conform to a pattern she determines is right but isn’t. Although
she uses a form of godliness to seduce others into believing she is from God,
there is no true liberating power to set men free.
When Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, Peter
became indignant because in part, this was not the paradigm of ministry he had
learned as a Jew. In his mind, a priest (Jesus) was to be served not to serve.
Old Covenant priests had 'Lordship' over the flock of God and were His only voice
and representative. In Peter’s mind, to 'stoop' to the level of a servant
contradicted everything he knew about the Priesthood. Jesus' example of
priesthood was to be a servant to all, approachable, welcoming to all humanity, bring new wineskin,
and to break bread with his disciples as friends in fellowship. Jesus told
Peter that if He didn’t wash his feet, he had no part of Jesus! Peter
replied with, "Wash my hands and head as well!" Thus, leaders’ part
of Jesus Body is to serve (hands and feet), with their head being covered/
washed by the Headship/ Lordship of Jesus Christ. Christ's headship through a spiritual leader is manifest through speaking the truth in love, grace, and
demonstrating the Holy Spirit’s power. His power comes by way of gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit: signs, wonders
and miracles worked in Jesus’ name by a spirit of compassion to heal the Body of Christ as Jesus himself
13: 8-9 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless
I wash you, you have no part with me.” “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not
just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
Jezebel is an assassinating spirit. She sought to kill God's prophets. If she can't do it physically she will assassinate character through lies and innuendos not based on valid accusations creating suspicion and mistrust of other Christ ordained prophets of God. It is the spirit of the accuser of the brethren. Again, the motivation behind this is to diminish the influence of God's prophets in a region.
anointed prophets possess the Spirit of Christ to deliver and heal brokenness. The
Spirit of Jezebel promises healing but it cannot heal-it injures what is
already broken causing her victims to become co-dependent. God’s prophets are
motivated by agape love: what’s best for the Body of Christ. Jezebel’s prophets
are driven for a need to succeed, gain power and what profits them. They
care nothing for the spiritual condition of God’s flock-only as it benefits them. They both lead by example. One
is patterned after Christ; the other patterned according to the spirit of the
age. Jezebel seeks to bind people and this spirit produces oppression in the
soul. It doesn’t liberate the inner man. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there
is freedom and liberty for the inner man. No matter how much Jezebel sings freedom, she is
full of sorcery and idolatry which keeps people in bondage.
The key to discerning the motivation behind the spirit is the fruit or results it produces. Where you see righteousness, peace and joy you know the King is present, serving and blessing His people through His prophets. Where you see people advancing spiritually and maturing in their walk with Christ and manifesting the Spirit as sons and daughters becoming spiritual mothers/ fathers, the King is at work! Romans 8: 14
Where you see much manifested sin (particularly sexual sins), rampant divorce, premature deaths, chronic illnesses, fear, confusion and heaviness you know Jezebel is at work.
Jezebel uses worldly wisdom to dominate where God’s prophets use godly wisdom
to guide. Again, how do you know which wisdom is being used? You look at the
fruit. Internal turmoil, condemnation and confusion are the fruits of her
control. If you don’t do as she says she will condemn and criticize you. Inner
peace, the joy of the Lord and an inner conviction that says, “I am the
righteousness of God in Christ” is where the King reigns. If you don’t do what
Jesus says He will never condemn nor forsake you. He will woo you back to the
truth. Jesus never forces His ways on anyone. He guides by invitation and sets
His pattern of selfless love before us.
We have the freedom to choose or not to choose. With Jezebel you have no
choice. It’s ‘my way or the highway’. Relationships built around agape love and
trust mean nothing to this spirit. If you challenge or question it, you may be
labeled as a covenant breaker and never ‘with us’.
Picture a chessboard. Jezebel uses people as pawns to do her bidding. She is the queen and Ahab the King. Ahab (her clergy) is the King that doesn’t move until she successfully maneuvers the other pieces to his advantage and to put everything in check-mate. She only uses the King to benefit herself. In a traditional chess game, the King takes all, but not so with Jezebel. She uses spiritual leadership through manipulation and control to take God’s sheep into captivity as pawns.
Picture a chessboard. Jezebel uses people as pawns to do her bidding. She is the queen and Ahab the King. Ahab (her clergy) is the King that doesn’t move until she successfully maneuvers the other pieces to his advantage and to put everything in check-mate. She only uses the King to benefit herself. In a traditional chess game, the King takes all, but not so with Jezebel. She uses spiritual leadership through manipulation and control to take God’s sheep into captivity as pawns.
is not interested in their welfare…only hers. She uses them for her purpose to
bring glory to herself and/ or build her empire that will eventually make way
for the anti-Christ. It will allow no one under its influence to ‘outshine’
her/ him. This spirit strips the sheep of their spiritual power and identity
and spiritually rapes them by impregnating them with false doctrine: not the
rhema word of God. Remember that Jezebel is neither male nor female. It is a
spirit and it represents the apostate church so it is the antithesis of the one
true church of Christ. It is the womb through which the anti-Christ is born and
manifested. It is the spirit of religion personified whether it is a Pharisee Spirit, Muslim, Occult, Buddha, etc. they all fall under this spirit’s
The good news in all this is that where sin abounds, grace does that much more abound! (Romans 5: 20) If
the more mature sheep are able to escape her dominion they leave wounded. They
need restoration but the first tell-tale sign of a wounded sheep from the
spirit of Jezebel is that they mistrust ALL spiritual leadership. Therefore,
they isolate themselves and disconnect from fellowship and are reluctant to
join to anything. This is the fruit of Jezebel. Because she will not join to
the Lordship of Jesus she breeds a spirit of rejection in God’s people after
they realize they have been abused and she causes them to project it on to all
spiritual leaders. They ‘see’ them all through a tinted lens of suspicion. This
stems from misuse and abuse of everything they are and everything they have.
They leave with a mistaken and/ or misplaced identity.
have a blurred concept of son-ship with Abba Father because they have been
stripped of it by this religious spirit and live feeling fatherless and
motherless and may not even see it. They have adopted an orphan spirit-a spirit
of bondage and fear. They need to be delivered of bondage, fear, manipulation
and control so that they can ‘see’ once again they have received a spirit of
adoption from The Father of Light whereby the can cry “Abba” Papa once again.
Jezebel strips the sheep from any ability to see or find comfort in the Father’s
heart. Remember, they feel like spiritual orphans through abuse and misuse of
Jezebel’s ‘clergy’. Jezebel’s clergy replaces the ascension gifts of Jesus
through the use of hierarchy and lording over God’s flock. Jesus’ ascension
gifts guide God’s flock through servant hood and sacrifice. This is something
her clergy know nothing about. They ‘give’ under the false pretense to only
take more from the flock of God.
and Ahab never had biological children. This spirit cannot reproduce instead it
operates stealthily under the guise of ‘fatherhood’ and ‘motherhood’ but this
spirit has no natural affection for the sheep. It is either pretended or absent
altogether. Jezebel and Ahab put on the act like they care but remember they are
out for one thing and that is to feed themselves and their insatiable appetites
for power, pre-eminence and self-indulgence cleverly guised as the ‘blessing of
God’ on their lives because of their false ‘anointing’. They refer to their
‘anointing’ as something that makes them elevated over the flock of God rather
than something God empowers his leaders with to bring healing and deliverance.
sheep graze and look for green pastures they will wander looking for it once
they leave Jezebel’s grasp. However, because they’ve been wounded and mistrust,
they won’t stay in a green pasture very long. Once they perceive something
corrective or hard sayings comes across the lips of one of God’s prophets they
see it as abuse and leave. Until this spirit is exposed to them and they can
see it for what it is, their vision and understanding will be masked and they
will continue to perceive all leadership as ‘control freaks’ and out to take
from them. This is a serious inner soul
wound that needs healed by the chief Shepherd Jesus in an atmosphere of agape
love but only after the Jezebel spirit has been unmasked.
wisdom is proved right by all her children." Luke 7: 35
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3: 13-18
If you have been affected in any way by this controlling religious spirit, renounce all connections with it and ask Jesus Christ to heal all and any inner wounds, mindsets, judgments and patterns you may have adopted because of its influence. Bless those who cursed you by way of direct or indirect influence or association and pray for them. Ask the Father to reveal any bitter root you may have against any of those used by this religious spirit and purpose in your heart to truly forgive them for they know not what they do! Cry out to Jesus for a new wineskin and let Him pour His new wine into you by revelation rather than doctrine and law. Jesus loves and cares for you like none other beloved! He is the "Good Shepherd" and HE is the ONE who restores your soul! Psalms 23
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3: 13-18
If you have been affected in any way by this controlling religious spirit, renounce all connections with it and ask Jesus Christ to heal all and any inner wounds, mindsets, judgments and patterns you may have adopted because of its influence. Bless those who cursed you by way of direct or indirect influence or association and pray for them. Ask the Father to reveal any bitter root you may have against any of those used by this religious spirit and purpose in your heart to truly forgive them for they know not what they do! Cry out to Jesus for a new wineskin and let Him pour His new wine into you by revelation rather than doctrine and law. Jesus loves and cares for you like none other beloved! He is the "Good Shepherd" and HE is the ONE who restores your soul! Psalms 23
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