
Showing posts from September, 2014

No Piggy Back Rides for the Devil!

                                               No Piggy Back Rides for the Devil!                                                               Mary Ann Wray When I was a child we used to play a game called “Piggy Back Races” where one child would get on another’s back and race as teams to see who could get to the finish line first without falling over with their partner in tandem! With the extra weight, it not only became a test of speed but a feat of strength too! Not one single time did I ever win one of those foot races, but in the swimming pool, I...


By Mary Ann Wray "The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." James 3: 6 “Loose lips sink ships” is an American English idiom meaning "beware of unguarded talk". The phrase originated on propaganda posters during World War II. The phrase was created by the War Advertising Council and used on posters by the United States Office of War Information. The most famous poster (pictured here) helped popularize the phrase “Loose Lips Might Sink Ships”. This type of poster was part of a general campaign during World War II advising servicemen and American citizens alike, to avoid careless talk concerning secure information that might be of use to the enemy. The British equivalent used variations i.e., “Keep mum," “Mum’s the word,” while in neutral Sweden the State Information Board promoted the wordplay ...

The Narrow Gate of Love

The Narrow Gate of Love... Mary Ann Wray Check out this awesome list of credentials which we often use to distinguish who a true disciple is or not! “I was water Baptized and speak in tongues!” “I’ve been a faithful member of the same church for years and have never left!” “When I pray for people they fall out in the Spirit!” “I cast out devils and prophesy!”   “I’ve led more people to Jesus than I can count on all fingers and toes!” “I am a leader in my Church and hold a regular Bible Study on my job and even in my home!” “People address me as, "Pastor, Prophetess, Prophet, Apostle, or Deacon "so and so!"   “I give generously to the work of the Lord!”   “Spiritual Leaders all around the nation call me "Father!” “I hold a Doctorate in Divinity. Before that I had a Masters in Biblical Theology!”“My Television Ministry is expanding! Now I have a flourishing World Wide Ministry and the biggest one in town too, Praise God!” “I was a missionary in a third world...