By Mary Ann Wray
By Mary Ann Wray
"Let us therefore
make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.. So
whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed
is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has
doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and
everything that does not come from faith is sin. Romans 14: 19-23
I believe one application within this passage can also be taken
as anything we partake or participate in that breeds doubt in ourselves or another
is sin. It involves every aspect of life where ‘conscience’ is involved. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, one
of the things He told them to say was, "Give us this day our daily
BREAD." He wasn't just speaking of sustenance only; He was speaking of
Words of Life that bring hope and faith. When He was tempted by Satan in the
Wilderness, Jesus said to the devil, "Man shall not live by BREAD alone,
but by EVERY WORD (rhema) that proceeds out of the MOUTH of the FATHER." (Matthew
4: 4)
Words are VERY IMPORTANT saints! They carry a spirit with
them; either good or evil. They either breed life and faith or death and
doubt! Proverbs 18: 21 says, "Life
and death are in the power of the tongue." James 3 goes into much detail about
the proper use of the tongue. In verses 5-6 he says, “Likewise, the tongue is a
small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest
is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil
among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course
of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” In verse 11 James
says "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"
Any thought, word spoken and any act done that creates doubt
in the mind and heart of a believer, whether it be within himself/ herself or towards
another, you can rest assured is NOT from the FATHER of LIGHTS (Romans 14: 23
& James 1: 17). Jesus’ words edify, comfort, exhort, at times correct, but
ALWAYS produce FAITH in the HEARTS AND MINDS of His people through a Spirit of
Revelation. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesy: the thing that is
revealed by Jesus Himself. (Revelations 19: 10). That’s why a Spirit of Jezebel
fights the prophetic so much. This Anti-Christ Spirit knows that when the
people of God receive any kind of revelation from the mouth of Jesus through
His servants the prophets, people become dangerous to the Kingdom of Darkness!
(1 Kings 19: 2).
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans
10: 17). Likewise, Satan the great copy-cat uses the same principle…”Doubt
comes by hearing and hearing by the words of the god of this age”. We must truly learn
to discern! We are living in an era of great deception and the enemy
will speak and use any of us who have wrong theology and unresolved matters of
the heart to keep us in fear, bondage and sabotage destiny and purpose. Faulty
theology and/ or past inner wounds which have caused us to create inner vows that
have not been resolved are 'faults' in our foundation that the enemy uses to
create a snare for us and at times others around us too. His ultimate MO is to
keep us out of the Kingdom of God on the earth and the Kingdom of Heaven where
the Lord is seated right now (Ephesians 2: 4-7).
One perfect example of how the enemy works to distract and destroy
our faith is when Jesus was having dialogue with His disciples. He asked them, “Who
do men say I am?” Some went on to say that there were people that thought He
was Elijah returned from the dead or John the Baptist reincarnate, some say one
of the prophets. This was ridiculous thinking because they all knew from Torah
and Jewish Theology there was no such thing as reincarnation. (Mark 8: 27-28).
In fact Isaiah predicted an ‘incarnation” not ‘re-incarnation’
about 700 years before Christ’s birth. He prophesied that a Son would be born
and the government (dominion) would be upon His shoulders (Isaiah 9: 6). He also predicted in Isaiah 7: 14 that a Virgin
would conceive and bear a son. His name will be called Immanuel literally
meaning, “God with us”. This first prediction came through the mouth of God to
the serpent (Satan) about the woman…”I
will put enmity between your seed and her seed. You shall bruise His heal, but
HE shall crush your head!” Genesis 3: 15
The Angel of the Lord who appeared to Joseph in Matthew 1: 23
reiterated that same prophesy to remove all
doubt from Joseph’s mind that his betrothed was with child by the Power of
the Holy Spirit’s Seed-not another. You remember that Joseph was ready to put
her away, but God intervened by a dream thus fulfilling His word and
vindicating Mary.
Getting back to Mark 8….Jesus listened to the disciples and what
they were repeating from others with His discerning ear and asked, “Who do YOU
say that I am?” Why did He ask them that question? I propose that it was not
only because He wanted to reveal Himself to them by the Spirit of Revelation but
first to put to rest any doubt they had in their minds about His divinity. It
always takes a revelation (rhema) to dispel doubt in a matter! They had seen
His mighty acts. They saw and felt His love and charismas in action. But there
remained some seeds of doubt in their minds as to His Divinity. Otherwise, they
would have reported back to Jesus something like this…“Master, they said these
things about you but we told them, “NO!”, He IS the Son of God!”
Jesus knew what was in their hearts. Therefore, He asked them
a question to get their minds and hearts open for a revelation which really
wasn’t new at all. It dated back to the Garden of Eden and repeated at least 44
times. It was just ‘new’ to them. Some scholars place Messianic Prophecies in
the hundreds. This revelation was
just going to be “new” to them. The question, “Who do men say I am?” opened the
pathway for new thought. Peter said, “You are the CHRIST, the Son of the Living
God.” Jesus replied, “You have answered correctly Peter. Flesh and blood has
NOT revealed this to you, but my FATHER in Heaven.” It was then that Jesus told
them to tell NO one who He was. That was His job to reveal Himself to man by ‘rhema’
revelation before His death, burial and resurrection. After His ascension, He
gave power to the Church to declare His Divinity; but only after He gave the
gift of the Holy Ghost to the Church on the day of Pentecost. Until that time, the
church/ believers would not and could not impart such truth without the actual
impregnation, if you will, of the same Spirit’s seed that went into Mary to
Birth the Christ. 1 Peter 1: 23 says that we are born again of the imperishable
seed of God! Therefore, we receive the power carry out His Great Commission
through the Spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead that now dwells in us!
(John 15: 26; Acts 1: 8; Romans 8: 11).
In verses 30 and 31 of Mark 9, Jesus then began to teach them
that He must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief
priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three
days to rise again. He spoke plainly, but Peter began to rebuke him. Three sentences
after Peter’s revelation of the Christ, Satan showed up and sowed doubt into
Peter’s mind causing Him to repeat a lie and rebuke the Very One who revealed
the truth of His Majesty to him! The enemy’s ways are the same now as they were
then, my friends. He tries to get us into bi-polar thinking i.e., double
mindedness thus creating instability in our faith walk in any and every area he
can from giving, church attendance, witnessing, fasting, prayer et al! (James
1: 8)
You see, Peter could easily receive the revelation of Jesus’ deity
without question; but the revelation concerning suffering and death was not something
he wanted to hear. Peter still had self-will and self-preservation in his
heart. This was exposed later when he denied the Christ three times after Jesus’
death (Luke 22: 34, 54-62). Fear and the
self-preservation it creates will sabotage the Spirit of Revelation’s effect in
our lives every time it is not dealt with. The enemy knows that Jesus’ words
carry life and power. To sabotage the truth in a believer’s mind leaves us
powerless to combat the enemy.
What must we do then? We must CAST down VAIN imaginations and
EVERYTHING that EXALTS ITSELF (people, places, things, ideas, concepts,
'revelations') against the KNOWLEDGE of CHRIST! (2 Cor 10: 5). When you are in
an Assembly and the Word is being preached with power and revelation is flowing
from the lips of God’s servants, rest assured the enemy will come and sow seeds
of doubt in your mind as to the veracity of those words; if not immediately,
later on. The enemy will cause you to ‘meditate’ in a negative way on the words
of life spoken in the sermons you hear and cause you to begin to question the
Word of the Lord just as he did with Eve. It’s the same MO!
Therefore, we MUST become thoroughly familiar with scriptures
enough so that when we hear a word or message through prophesy, tongues and
interpretation, music, sermons, teachings et al, we can identify truth from
error. Through the Church’s own lethargy to become students of the scripture by
personal discipline and discipleship, the enemy has sown tares in many people’s
hearts. The evidence is seen in the candy coated carnality that is being
preached from pulpits and received by church members all across America and
into the rest of the world, under the guise of “Grace” -calling good evil and
evil good (Isaiah 5: 20). For example, “Homosexuals will go to Heaven because
God loves everybody.” This is a half-truth which is nothing more than a lie.
God does in fact love everyone, but if Homosexuals who haven’t repented of
their sins go to Heaven, God will have to allow EVERYONE to go to Heaven and
apologize to every martyr who lost their heads for preaching repentance from
dead works and adherence to the Lordship of Jesus Christ alone!
This ‘other gospel theology’ is ridiculous, because
if this were the case, The Father would NOT have needed to send His Only
Beloved Son into the World to BECOME sin for US who knew no sin so that we ‘MIGHT
BECOME’ the Righteousness of God in Christ.(2 Cor 5: 21). The word might become
is ‘ginomai’ which carries with it the connotation of possibility. Mark 9: 23 says, “All things are possible to those who
believe.” The question remains then, “Believes what?” The answer being, “Believes
trusts and adheres to with one’s whole personality, upon the Only Begotten Son
of God-The Lord Jesus Christ!” (John 3: 18)
We MUST return to the Lord with ALL our hearts and listen to
HIM! You’ve heard of selective hearing? Well, it’s time for us to be selective
on what we hear! "Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has
will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will
be taken from them." Luke 8: 18
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