
Showing posts from November, 2014


WHOSE AND WHAT ARE WE? By Mary Ann Wray “Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us,  and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalms 100: 3 Of all the analogies Jesus could have used to describe His people, he used sheep and the concept of a flock to demonstrate how He views our relationship with Him and one another. Evidently, Jesus liked and observed animal behavior. He referred to them quite often. In Revelations 5: 5 He is referred to as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah”. This in no way minimizes his authority or Divine personhood any more than Him referring to us as His sheep degrades our position in creation to that of an animal. However, in God’s divine design every species of animal has certain characteristics. For this reason, He often used them to describe certain characteristics of people and people groups as warnings, admonitions and examples.  For example, He referred to the outsiders of the covenant as...


BALAAM  & JEZEBEL WENT TO CHURCH! The Unholy Alliance! Mary Ann Wray November 17, 2014 There are two spirits that love to affect local churches and wear people like puppets in order to create confusion and dissension. They are an unholy alliance and turn up especially in newly established works and/or whenever there is a great move of God. They cause confusion, division and dissension and it’s time for us to recognize their work for what it is: insidious and destructive to the fabric of unity in the Body of Christ. It is a slanderous spirit and lays allegations and accusations against God’s elect: those whom God has anointed and ordained to lead in a local assembly or the Body of Christ at large. Like anything else, we must measure a tree by its fruit. When we hear such allegations against the people of God or witness things that question authority and our leaders’ motives what should we do? Friend, we must loo...