LIVING DEBT FREE! Mary Ann Wray Imagine this…you have a huge mortgage on your house of over $250,000.00. You become injured at find yourself unable to work any longer. Your small company pays no workers compensation, therefore, you have no benefits to cover you, your family or your mortgage. You find out you are able to draw Social Security but it’s minimal and won’t cover your expenses hardly at all. You panic but pray. “God make a way for me. I’m in deep trouble. I can’t work, I can’t pay my bills, I can’t provide for myself or my family. I’m broken and I’m broke, will you please help me?” All of a sudden an idea pops in your head. “Go to your mortgage bank holder and explain to them what has happened.” You figure that your credit score is decent, you’ve been responsible in your payments so maybe they’ll work out a suspension of payment or something so you won’t lose your house. You nervously walk into the bank and ask to speak to the Mortgage Broker. You anxi...