
Showing posts from June, 2015


LIVING DEBT FREE! Mary Ann Wray Imagine this…you have a huge mortgage on your house of over $250,000.00. You become injured at find yourself unable to work any longer. Your small company pays no workers compensation, therefore, you have no benefits to cover you, your family or your mortgage. You find out you are able to draw Social Security but it’s minimal and won’t cover your expenses hardly at all. You panic but pray. “God make a way for me. I’m in deep trouble. I can’t work, I can’t pay my bills, I can’t provide for myself or my family. I’m broken and I’m broke, will you please help me?” All of a sudden an idea pops in your head. “Go to your mortgage bank holder and explain to them what has happened.” You figure that your credit score is decent, you’ve been responsible in your payments so maybe they’ll work out a suspension of payment or something so you won’t lose your house. You nervously walk into the bank and ask to speak to the Mortgage Broker. You anxi...

Our God is greater than any man-made legislation

Our God is greater than any man-made legislation Mary Ann Wray While in Kroger today my heart was still so very heavy and disappointed about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. As I was pondering the ramifications of it in my heart, a young effeminate man walked by me and I smiled and nodded to him as he quickly passed by. I was at the back of the store at the time. At that moment I said to the Lord, "Father, I just don't know how to pray about the homosexual issue and agenda in America any more. Teach me how to pray." I turned left and continued walking down the aisle and as I reached the end of it, now approaching the front of the store, the same young man walked past me again. I knew it wasn't a coincidence. God was getting ready to show me something. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "There will not be a turning back of what has been done on a massive scale. But this is how you pray ... As I bring people across your path who are bound by the...


Okay here's a real "funny" for you that just so happened to occur on my birthday today...without declaring my legal age to you let's just say I qualify for certain senior citizen discounts. :) So I checked my credit card balance this morning, as I do from time to time, and saw a charge to a company that I did not recognize at all. Being alarmed about a possible fraudulent charge I called my credit card company and filed a dispute immediately. You see I got an email yesterday from my OPM stating that my personal information had been compromised along with others and I needed to register for fraud protection on a website link they provided ... When I called Chase Visa, I explained all of this to them and they told me to destroy the old credit card straight away and they would over night me a new one with a new account number. Later today I got an email stating that my money had been refunded in the amount of $39.99 and apologized for any inconvenience. As I read the...

Mission's Trip to Brazil October 2015

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