Our God is greater than any man-made legislation
Our God is greater than any man-made legislation
Mary Ann Wray
While in Kroger today my heart was still so very heavy and disappointed about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. As I was pondering the ramifications of it in my heart, a young effeminate man walked by me and I smiled and nodded to him as he quickly passed by. I was at the back of the store at the time. At that moment I said to the Lord, "Father, I just don't know how to pray about the homosexual issue and agenda in America any more. Teach me how to pray." I turned left and continued walking down the aisle and as I reached the end of it, now approaching the front of the store, the same young man walked past me again. I knew it wasn't a coincidence. God was getting ready to show me something. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "There will not be a turning back of what has been done on a massive scale. But this is how you pray ... As I bring people across your path who are bound by the lies of the enemy you must pray for them one soul at a time. Through your heartfelt compassion and intercession you can attempt to snatch them out of the fire- one soul at a time." I felt a heavy weight lift off of my heart at that very moment. I felt hope arise in my heart. Then Holy Spirit reminded me of this scripture in Jude... "Remain in God’s love as you look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, which brings eternal life. Show mercy to those who have doubts. Save others by snatching them from the fire. To others, show mercy with fear, hating even the clothes stained by their sinful lives." Jude 1: 21-23 I hope this ministers to you as it did to my heart today. As the day of the Lord's return draws closer, things in the natural world will only worsen. But we serve an immovable God in an unshakable Kingdom yet to be fully established on the earth until after the Lord's return. The Father has compassion on every soul no matter who they are or where they are in the spectrum of sin... He offers mercy and forgiveness to all those who will call upon his name and trust in His only Son. It's up to us.... the Church of the Living God, to pray for those we know or come across in life who have been taken captive at Satan's will and lies and witness to them with the love of Jesus as we are given the opportunity by Holy Spirit. Planting seeds of love and compassion will produce more Kingdom fruit than the fear of man and condemnation ever will. The Lord said that this legislation will not be undone but the power of God's Law of Liberty trumps any man-made legislation that damns souls to Hell. Our God is greater!
Mary Ann Wray
While in Kroger today my heart was still so very heavy and disappointed about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. As I was pondering the ramifications of it in my heart, a young effeminate man walked by me and I smiled and nodded to him as he quickly passed by. I was at the back of the store at the time. At that moment I said to the Lord, "Father, I just don't know how to pray about the homosexual issue and agenda in America any more. Teach me how to pray." I turned left and continued walking down the aisle and as I reached the end of it, now approaching the front of the store, the same young man walked past me again. I knew it wasn't a coincidence. God was getting ready to show me something. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "There will not be a turning back of what has been done on a massive scale. But this is how you pray ... As I bring people across your path who are bound by the lies of the enemy you must pray for them one soul at a time. Through your heartfelt compassion and intercession you can attempt to snatch them out of the fire- one soul at a time." I felt a heavy weight lift off of my heart at that very moment. I felt hope arise in my heart. Then Holy Spirit reminded me of this scripture in Jude... "Remain in God’s love as you look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, which brings eternal life. Show mercy to those who have doubts. Save others by snatching them from the fire. To others, show mercy with fear, hating even the clothes stained by their sinful lives." Jude 1: 21-23 I hope this ministers to you as it did to my heart today. As the day of the Lord's return draws closer, things in the natural world will only worsen. But we serve an immovable God in an unshakable Kingdom yet to be fully established on the earth until after the Lord's return. The Father has compassion on every soul no matter who they are or where they are in the spectrum of sin... He offers mercy and forgiveness to all those who will call upon his name and trust in His only Son. It's up to us.... the Church of the Living God, to pray for those we know or come across in life who have been taken captive at Satan's will and lies and witness to them with the love of Jesus as we are given the opportunity by Holy Spirit. Planting seeds of love and compassion will produce more Kingdom fruit than the fear of man and condemnation ever will. The Lord said that this legislation will not be undone but the power of God's Law of Liberty trumps any man-made legislation that damns souls to Hell. Our God is greater!
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