Comparisons: God doesn't compare His Sons!
"Whenever they measure themselves by their own standards or compare themselves among themselves, they show how foolish they are." 2 Corinthians 10:12b There are many different ways we can compare ourselves with one another but comparisons always leads to failure: feelings of jealousy, inadequacy and even bitterness if they are left unchecked. Comparisons put us in a spiritual ‘check mate’ unable to move in any direction because we can’t see the bigger plan or picture that the Father has for us. We become trapped in our own minds and thoughts. The Bible warns us not to compare ourselves against one another for this very reason. Comparisons are a trick of the enemy to keep us stuck in the past, stuck in our hurt, stuck in feelings of inadequacy, or basically stuck in a deep rut of despair and bitterness. Through personal comparisons, what we are saying to God in essence is this; "God I don't like the way I am or the way things are and it's your fault...