Comparisons: God doesn't compare His Sons!
"Whenever they
measure themselves by their own standards or compare themselves among
themselves, they show how foolish they are." 2 Corinthians 10:12b
There are many different ways we can compare ourselves with one another but comparisons always leads to failure: feelings of jealousy, inadequacy and even bitterness if they are left unchecked. Comparisons put us in a spiritual ‘check mate’ unable to move in any direction because we can’t see the bigger plan or picture that the Father has for us. We become trapped in our own minds and thoughts. The Bible warns us not to compare ourselves against one another for this very reason.
Comparisons are a trick of the enemy to keep us stuck in the past, stuck in our hurt, stuck in feelings of inadequacy, or basically stuck in a deep rut of despair and bitterness. Through personal comparisons, what we are saying to God in essence is this; "God I don't like the way I am or the way things are and it's your fault. You didn't give me enough or do enough for me like you did for so and so...."
That's how Joseph's brothers reacted when he shared a “God” dream with them. They became jealous and bitter against him. They also knew that Joseph had special favor with their father that he didn’t show towards them. He didn’t give any of them a coat of many colors. You see, Joseph was the son of Jacob’s advanced age and he represented the love he had been waiting for a long time-Rachel. If you remember the story, Jacob’s uncle Laban tricked him into marrying Leah first after working for him seven years. This just proves that true love can wait! The Bible says that Jacob loved Rachel so much those seven years seemed only as a few days.
His special love for Joseph was something Jacob’s other sons
couldn’t understand. It was too deep and personal. A lot happened between
Jacob, Leah and Rachel before Rachel finally conceived Joseph. Joseph’s
siblings were too selfish and inexperienced in life to ‘get it’ even if Jacob
were to try and explain it to them. This family was clearly dysfunctional but
not through one specific thing. It was a conglomeration of many things; some done
by Laban, others by Jacob and some of which were beyond any one person’s control.
They became the players and recipients of deceit, greed and lies so they
developed a ‘victim’ mentality. However, they would learn to overcome their
victim mentality and see that God had a plan in all of the mess-not only for
them but for an entire nation after everything was said and done. Their plot to
kill or put Joseph away didn't prevail because God was in control even though
at first it sure didn’t look that way to Joseph. The Father has a plan for you
and me that may not be as ‘grand’ as Joseph’s, but nevertheless it is grand to
the Father and significant in His Kingdom. Don't let jealousy of other's gifts
and portions obscure it!
what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7 & 11-14 that beautifully expresses
the heart of God in distributing differing gifts to each one of us as HE
chooses, yet we are all part of ONE:
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit
distributes them. There are
different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working,
but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one
the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good…All these are the
work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as
he determines. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many
parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether
Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of
one part but of many.”
The enemy is a perverted rebel and desires to see us get a
twisted sense of satisfaction by tempting us into comparing ourselves with one
another. If he gets us to hang on to dissatisfaction about the way God made us,
uses us, does things or he gets us to replay past hurts and offenses long
enough, he knows we become powerless against the Kingdom of Darkness by not understanding
our individual Divine purpose and Design in the present. We become blinded by
our own dissatisfaction and in a sense become our own worst enemy.
Satan desires to see us become so discontent with our portion
from God or current circumstances that we grow bitter against Him. By doing so,
we sabotage our own destiny and purpose in Christ. Satan is called the Accuser
of the brethren. Therefore, his sole M.O. is to get us to blame someone or
something else for our feelings of inadequacy, consequences, circumstances, or
offense. He wants us to blame God first of all: the Creator of all good things
for the bad things He had nothing to do with. Then he wants us to blame
everyone else by avoiding personal responsibility which always propels us
towards inward change. It is the enemy who comes to rob, kill and destroy. I am
not negating the fact that there can be serious wrongs done against us. But we
can’t stop there or we will die!
As in the case with Joseph, clearly his brothers were in the
wrong. However, Joseph refused to harbor bitterness and unforgiveness against those
who abused or let him down including the false accusation by Potiphar’s wife,
and his co-inmate the Cup-Bearer, who forgot what Joseph did for him after promising
Joseph he would. By keeping His trust in God and not man, Joseph’s meekness
allowed the Father to work all things for His good and elevate him to a place
of honor at the right time.
The Bible tell us in Hebrews 5: 8 that Jesus learned obedience
through the things He suffered. What exactly does this mean since Jesus never
sinned and never disobeyed? I believe it means that despite the rejection He
faced from family and the religious crowd, the misunderstanding men had about
His purpose and destiny along with the fact that He became human in form
although Majestic in Nature, He trusted the Father’s Will and purpose in all of
it. Because of this complete trust He overcome temptation to succumb to “Lordship”
in the wilderness when it wasn’t the time for Him to exercise it. The Father
was grooming Him for the supreme sacrifice He would make for you and me. Even
after this period of testing Jesus asked the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane
if it were possible for the Cup to pass. He immediately knew it wasn’t possible
and said, “Not my Will, but yours be done.” What faith! God doesn’t call us to
the same type of suffering as Christ. Nevertheless, He calls us to the same
path of obedient trust.
If you let go of all those negative emotions God will fill you with His peace amidst all the questions and concerns because He feels you. He was touched with every hurt, pain infirmity and rejection you and I will ever face. But you have to decide to trust His heart or not; to move on or not. We have the choice to believe His promises or not. You see, we can't move on to what God has for us while holding on to something we wished we had. You can't go forward and backwards at the same time; it's an emotional, mental, and spiritual tug of war that the enemy will always win until we let those things go.
We need to constantly compare ourselves against the Word of God
and nothing or no one else. His Word is the measuring rod that makes us aim
higher while at times baser means may force us to go without for a while
(Phillipians 4:11). The amazing thing is that whenever we compare ourselves
against the Word of God (as perfect and as high a standard as it is), there’s
no condemnation or shame from the Father. He gently convicts us where we miss
the mark and if we repent, Holy Spirit enables us to do what we know to do and helps
us accomplish what He’s called us to do (our portion). His Word is an eternal lamp
to our feet and light to our path that helps us keep moving forward while
letting go of what’s in the past: the good, the bad and the ugly!
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider
myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is
behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward
the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ
Jesus.” Phillipians 3: 13-14
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