
Showing posts from November, 2017

Partnering with Prophecy!

Partnering with Prophecy! Pastor Mary Ann Wray As someone who loves the prophetic and studied it for years, I’ve learned something very important about personal prophetic words: we must partner with prophetic words we receive, if we want to see them come to pass! I will attempt to explain what I mean by ‘partnering with your prophesy’. First of all, there are a few prophetic caveats I’ve learned over nearly 40 years of walking with the Lord that I’d like to share with you but I am still learning too! We never learn all there is to know about a truth on this side of Heaven! The first thing is this: don’t elevate the vessel giving the word with the word itself. In other words, we only know in part and prophesy in part. Since we are vessels of clay we are subject to miss the mark and error. God only gives them a prophetic piece of the puzzle for your life. Secondly, not every ‘word’ you receive may be inspired. It’s important to pray for discernment and not take every wor...