Partnering with Prophecy!
with Prophecy!
Pastor Mary Ann Wray
Pastor Mary Ann Wray
As someone who loves the prophetic
and studied it for years, I’ve learned something very important about personal
prophetic words: we must partner with prophetic words we receive, if we want to
see them come to pass! I will attempt to explain what I mean by ‘partnering
with your prophesy’. First of all, there are a few prophetic caveats I’ve
learned over nearly 40 years of walking with the Lord that I’d like to share
with you but I am still learning too! We never learn all there is to know about
a truth on this side of Heaven! The first thing is this: don’t elevate the
vessel giving the word with the word itself. In other words, we only know in
part and prophesy in part. Since we are vessels of clay we are subject to miss
the mark and error. God only gives them a prophetic piece of the puzzle for
your life. Secondly, not every ‘word’ you receive may be inspired. It’s
important to pray for discernment and not take every word at face value! Samuel
was the only prophet recorded in the Bible whose words never fell to the
ground; none went forth without fulfillment. Under the Old Covenant, if a
prophet gave a word that did not happen they were stoned. That is because
during the era of the Old Covenant prophets were the ONLY spokesmen for God. People
didn’t have the Bible on their coffee tables at home and iPads with various
Bible apps on their night stands! Prophets were under severe scrutiny and
judgment because of it. Thank the Lord we are under the New Covenant of Grace.
Having said that, we shouldn’t be careless about prophesy and we ought to pray
for greater accuracy!
Under the New Covenant, the
Holy Spirit was poured out upon ALL flesh according to Joel 2: 28 & Acts 2:
17 and one of the first manifestations of this outpouring was that His sons and
daughters WOULD prophesy! This means that if you are a son or daughter of God
you CAN prophesy! It’s important to note
that the Spirit of Prophesy is really a combination of one or more of the
utterance and/ or revelation gifts of the Spirit. This includes tongues and
interpretation of the tongues, prophesy (future events, comfort, exhortation,
edification), words of knowledge, and words of wisdom (1 Corinthians 12: 8-9).
All are administered in proportion to the person’s faith who is prophesying!
As I mentioned earlier,
anyone can prophesy by the Holy Spirit who is Born Again and is called a Son or
Daughter of God. It’s important to make the distinction that being “Born Again”
enables any son or daughter to prophesy by the Holy Spirit. You see, there is
the counterfeit of Holy Spirit prophecy through the use of familiar spirits by
psychics who sometimes are astoundingly accurate! They have an innate gift of being extremely
intuitive and sensitive in the realm of the spirit. However, the source of that
knowledge is demonic not the Holy Spirit! It is fruit from the Tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. Just because it sounds good and is pleasant to the
senses doesn’t mean it’s fruit from the Tree of Life!
It is important to
understand the Father’s purpose of giving us prophecy. First and foremost, He
gave us this wonderful gift for the purpose of edification (building up our
faith), exhortation (encouraging and provoking our faith) and comfort
(especially during times of grief and pain). Sometimes, prophetic words are
laced with words of wisdom and words of knowledge instructing you in some
measure about what you need to do. These words, if they are accurate, are to
help guide and navigate you now and sometimes in your future. They are not
fool-proof. They are like sign posts on a highway to help guide you while
giving pictures of your spiritual destination! In 2009, I was praying about
writing a book after the loss of our son in an automobile accident. I wanted to
be sure it was God and not me. After many days of prayer, I was on my way to
church one morning and asked the Father again out loud, “Lord please show me if
and when I am to begin this book.” At that moment, a car turned into my street
and the license plate read, “Write On.” Well that was all the confirmation I
needed. God used a ‘sign’ to give me a word of wisdom! I began writing the next
day while the Holy Spirit downloaded the Introduction and subsequent Chapter
Another caveat is not to
look at the sign or to the vessel for the full understanding of the word(s) and
don’t think just because you’ve received a prophetic word it will automatically
manifest. You must pray and ask Father for further insight. You must wage war
against the forces of darkness to possess the promises of God through faith and
patience, toppling every giant that stands in the way! That’s why Paul told Timothy to wage a good
warfare by the prophecies that went out before him. The Spirit of Jezebel
fights prophesy and will continually resist you, especially when you begin to
get serious about praying and walking out the prophetic utterances God gives
you! Another word of caution is that the prophetic vessel God uses only speaks for God not as God. Resist the temptation to elevate man to the place of
someone who should be feared and inordinately reverenced: that is idolatry.
Look to the Holy Spirit to get understanding, wisdom and counsel concerning
every prophetic word you receive. Measure the words against the Scripture to safeguard
against anything that would violate the logos. If some prophet tells you that
your husband is the wrong man for you, who in the Bible ever said that to
anyone? Nobody! Does the word violate the principles and patterns of Scripture?
If someone prophesies to you that God has given you a special anointing to hear
from Him and you don’t need to be part of a local church or associated with any
other ministry, that too is nowhere in scripture!
Test prophesies by the logos
(written word) where possible and next with the inner witness of the Spirit.
This is a bit more subjective but if you’re not sure of a word, pray and the
Holy Spirit will bear witness with it or not. If your spirit is grieved, when
someone gives you a prophetic word that is a signal you need to heed. The Bible
says that out of the mouth of two or more witnesses let every word be
established. This is a safeguard the Lord has put in place which means that He
will always confirm a word two or more times to you. That’s why we should never
be in a hurry when God speaks a word, but wait on Him for confirmation and
direction where necessary. We also need to hold each other accountable in the
prophetic. When giving words we should preface it with something like, “I
believe the Lord is showing me such and such,” or “I believe the Lord is
showing me something for you. Is it alright if I share it?” Then after you
share it ask the person if it bore witness with them or not. Ask them if it was
correct or not. Sometimes their tears or rejoicing let you know right away it
was God! Mutual accountability helps in understanding what God may be saying.
It keeps things in check and it keeps us humble. Death and Life are in the
power of the tongue. Words carry life or they can carry death. We can’t afford
to be careless especially when delivering prophetic words. If we can’t be
accountable we shouldn’t prophesy! If we despise being corrected by anyone
concerning any words we give or the attitude and tone in which we deliver them
we’re spiritually immature and possibly dangerous to others! It’s like giving an
unskilled seven year old a loaded pistol. He’ll shoot it if he has permission
without realizing the damage it can do!
One day the Lord gave me the
word “Bacon” for a young man. I told him that I believe the Lord gave me a word
but it was a bit crazy. I kept hearing it so I had to decide to step out in
faith or possibly miss an opportunity to minister to someone. I was willing to
take the risk of sharing it if he would tell me if the word bacon meant
anything to him or not. I shared the word and of course everyone laughed. I
asked him if it meant anything to him. He paused and thought for a minute and
said “Well, I gave up pork recently. I don’t eat pork anymore.” I said, “Well
bacon is pork!” again everybody laughed including the young man. Then I said
out load, “Well, I don’t know what to do with this word, Lord please help me
out here!” Again laughter filled the place. As soon as I said that, the Lord gave me a
download for this young man and I began to share it with him. He began to smile
and nod in agreement and I knew God was speaking something to his heart and
used this word as a parable to teach him a principle.
Another caveat to prophecy
is NEVER make a major decision or move based on one directive or one word given
by anyone. I know a middle aged couple that sold their house, quit their jobs
and made a geographical moved based on a ‘word’ from a so called prophet. They
ended up homeless, jobless and financially broken, not to mention the spiritual
brokenness they experienced as a result of stepping out on this ‘word’. The
Bible is clear: let every word be established out of the mouth of two or more
witnesses! That includes the inner witness of the Holy Ghost inside of you! God
is never in a hurry. Let me repeat, pray through until you get several
confirmations on words involving directives!
Let me add, that if you received
a word years ago and it hasn’t come to pass doesn’t mean you should discard it.
How many years passed between Isaiah’s prophecy of the Messiah (Isaiah 9: 6)
and the fulfillment of it? Sometimes only time will tell! Keep it on your
prayer list! The Apostle of the ministry I am involved with had a prophetic
word some twenty years ago where the prophet saw him in a church building on a
major interstate. Apostle Chisholm started several different churches within
that time span and none of them was on a major highway. He thought to himself,
“Well, so and so just missed it!” Don’t you know just four and a half years ago
he started another work in Columbus, Ohio? Instead of renting a building which
was his intention, a realtor got in touch with him and said he had a church
building for sale at a price that would be cheaper to buy than it would be to
rent. Apostle Chisholm went to look at the building and guess what? It was
located right on a major interstate -I-70 and yes, he was able to purchase it
without any money down and with no congregation! God is good! That word took
twenty some years to manifest!
Finally, prophesy is the
possibility of the Father for your life and a portion of the thoughts He has
towards you. He shares His thoughts with us to give us an expected end of a
thing (Jeremiah 29: 11). It’s not the sum total of God’s plan for your life.
It’s only a piece of His wonderful life puzzle that He wants you to search Him
out for. These supernatural possibilities of the Father will remain human
improbabilities unless and until we partner with them through prayer and
submitting to the process of God. Prophesy is like a seed. It contains the
possibility of a harvest but only under the right conditions. The soil must be
good. It must be watered and it must be cultivated. The Holy Spirit will give
you the grace required to press through the process just like that tiny seed
pushes through the soil. The process
is the space of time between prophecy and its fulfillment. In this period of
time, Holy Spirit will purify the motives, intents and thoughts of the heart.
He will strengthen and mature you emotionally and spiritually. He will bring
your life into balance. He will teach and train you through other ministry
gifts as well as your times of intimacy with Him in worship, prayer and Bible
Study. A prophet told me years ago, “Learn well, while you’re going through the
School of the Spirit!” I really didn’t understand what that meant until I experienced
this fact: every Word of the Lord is tested! It’s up to us to hold fast with
unmovable faith or throw up our hands and quit! God never quits on us. Why
should we quit on God?
Joseph’s dream did not
manifest immediately. He went through about a 14 year period of the stripping away
of everything that was once familiar to him. He went through the crucible of
rejection, misunderstanding, false accusations and injustices. Through it all,
he persevered! When God saw that Joseph was ready, He released him into the
full destiny of his prophetic dream. During his prophetic process, God used Joseph
and gave him glimpses of His final prophetic destination through favor,
leadership, interpreting dreams and promotions. God allowed trials by fire to
purify his motives that were once full of ego and pride. So it is with us! “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of
silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi [the priests], and refine them like
gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord [grain] offerings in
righteousness.” Malachi 3: 3
Let me close with a few more
practical tips and a review on how to partner with your prophesy!
1. Ask Father to show you
what may have been someone else’s good intentions verses what is really from
His heart. It’s very possible for someone to ‘read’ what’s in your soul and
speak it back to you without having the wisdom of God for proper timing to release
it or even if what was ‘prophesied’ over you was something in your soul i.e., self-will
and selfish desires verses the Divine will and plan of God. You and I are still
in the process of sanctification so not everything we hide in our hearts and
minds may be from the Father. That’s why we have to go through purification
(Malachi 3:3). A sensitive person in the spirit can pick up on those soulish
things in us and read them back. That’s what psychics can do.
2. The Bible says to ‘prove’
all things for veracity and soundness. At the same time, we are not to despise
prophesy just because someone was off or people misuse the gift out of immaturity,
ignorance, selfish ambition, gain or pride. Never throw the baby out with the
bathwater. We must learn to judge prophecy scripturally. This will help us
avoid the temptation of despising a wonderful gift of the Spirit!
3. If it’s a hard word ask
God to show you if it was filtered through the vessel’s soul wounds, their
personal dislike of you in some area and/ or an unresolved heart issue.
Prophesy can fail, but love never fails. Hard words not motivated by love bring
condemnation not edification. In that case render those words null and void
over yourself. Speak life and the Word of God in place of any word you
determine was false! If it was a corrective word that you needed to hear but it
offended your flesh, take it to God, be humble, heed it, repent and move
forward! I found this is a better way than rejecting a word altogether!
4. Ask the Father to show
you if it was a “now” word or a “later” word, then pray accordingly. Now words
usually confirm what is going on in your life at that time and the Father just
wants to assure you that you are on the right path! As mentioned before, later
words can take a long time to fully manifest! The Father will give us glimpses
of what is to come and use us in some measure during the proving process but we
must continue to be faithful and patient. That is how we inherit the promises!
There are no shortcuts with God! I heard someone recently say that the surest
way of getting lost is by taking a shortcut. I know that is true from personal
experiences! Abraham had an Ishmael because of that very thing!
5. Pray “proven” prophesies
over and over again and in so doing, wage a good warfare. There is always
resistance in the spirit realm against the prophetic! The devil fights what you
and I are called to be prophetically. He is terrified of your future! He knows
the back of the Book and he loses! WE
WIN! Remember that prophesy is the end of a thing. The devil fights you in the
process so be strong in the Lord and of good courage! He that began a good work
in you will complete it!
6. Share your prophecies with
trusted spiritual elders to get their input, judgment, prayer and insight. Two
are better than one. In the multitude of counsel there is safety. God may give
them additional wisdom to help you fight the good fight of faith!
7. The larger the sphere of
influence of the prophetic vision, the greater the preparation. Don’t become
anxious in the process and the length of time it may take. Elephants have a
gestation period of 22 months-almost two years! Why? They are the largest
mammal in the Animal Kingdom!
8. Learn the blessing of
contentment! Delight yourself in the Lord; not the prophecies themselves. They
are just pointers in your spiritual roadmap. They are not to take the place of
Jesus and intimacy with the Father! Persevere through faith and patience!
Rather than dream only about the future, serve God out of your love for Him and
His Body! Let Him use you right where you are here and NOW! Enjoy the journey
and don’t get hung up on the future. We have no guarantee of it, except what is
written in Scripture! “Take delight in the LORD, and he will
give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37: 4
“But godliness actually is
a source of great gain when accompanied by contentment [that contentment which
comes from a sense of inner confidence based on the sufficiency of God].” 1
Timothy 6: 6
Be careful not to reject prophesy based on the vessel God chooses to use i.e.,
someone very different than you, someone who is not a “minister”; a little
child; a younger less mature person than you; a stranger; someone you may not
like; someone from a different ‘stream’ than you (church, denomination,
organization, school of thought etc.). Remember that if we reject a vessel God
chooses to use, we in essence are rejecting Him. Yes, we still need to test all
things, but don’t judge who He uses subjectively! Corporately, we are His
Body-hands, feet, eyes, ears, and heart!
“Do not neglect to extend hospitality to
strangers [especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial,
and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part
generously], for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13: 2
in the Journey! Pastor Mary Ann
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