The Constancy of Change

The Constancy of Change!

By Pastor Mary Ann Wray

As I was meditating on the Word this morning God reminded me of this fact: "The only thing consistent in life is change." When you think about it, everything is changing around us and almost daily! Technology, industry, politics, styles of clothing, the economy and the list goes on and on.

Having said that, we must be willing as God's people to change by the Spirit and adapt to His pattern while resisting the patterns of this world. The world “kosmos” is the secular and demonic order that rules the hearts, minds and affairs of spiritually un-regenerated unsaved men that contradict His nature and heart. The changes that we really need are a result of obedience to the Word of God, fellowship with the saints, communion with the Father, receiving correction, walking by faith and saying "NO" to the flesh. We are changed from glory to glory as we BEHOLD Him! 2 Corinthians 3: 18. Whether we realize it or not, we are in a constant state of change: either towards God or away from Him. Erosion or attrition is the natural order of this world. Soil and topography erode from weather and shifts in the tectonic plates. The world is in a constant state of degeneration, but not so for the Kingdom of God!

He also reminded me of Jeremiah 48: 11. This is what happens when we purposely don't change and remain static in our spiritual walk. We no longer are a sweet smelling fragrance of Life to the Father and those around us, but we begin to take on the smell or aroma of the world (2 Cor. 2: 16).

“Moab has been at ease from his youth;
He has also been undisturbed, and settled like wine on his dregs,
And he has not been emptied from one vessel to another,
Nor has he gone into exile.
Therefore his flavor remains in him,
And his scent has not changed.” Jeremiah 48: 11

We can easily and effortlessly become self-absorbed, self-centered and complacent. Since change is imminent, the problem becomes this: if we aren’t changing with the Lord and becoming more like Him, we will change with the world and become like it. Romans 12: 1 & 2 tells us to present our body a “living” sacrifice holy and acceptable to the Lord. He then tells us not to be conformed (syschēmatizō) to the world as in a blueprint, but be transformed (metamorphoō) as through a spiritual process through the renewing of our mind that we may prove and live out what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God!

The Father has given us safeguards against becoming or changing counter to the Heart of God and the Likeness of Jesus. One of the safeguards is not forsaking the assembling together of the saints. It amazes me how many Christians quit going to church when they are going through a struggle or transition. If ever there is a time when we need accountability, encouragement and guidance is when we are going through a storm or life transition. People tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the Body of Christ and believe that hearing from God by themselves is all they need. This is a grave error and contrary to scripture and the spiritual model of fellowship Jesus taught his disciples and the early church. A sheep has no defense system apart from the flock and the Shepherd (Psalm 23).The first place a wolf looks for prey is a sheep or animal who is separated from the rest of the flock. It's easy prey for him. Proverbs 18: 1 talks about those who separate themselves and intermeddle with all wisdom.

Another important factor in change is being able to withstand the storms of life without throwing out the tackle (navigating system) like the sailors did in Acts 27: 19. Paul warned them of the storm coming, but they ignored him. You see, we are in a great ship called the world with everyone else, but we won't be delivered from it until Jesus comes back. In the meantime, we have to use the tackle (GPS) He gave us when we encounter the storms of life and continue to heed the grave times in which we live while warning everyone we can! The rain falls on the just and unjust so we as saints are not exempt from experiences storms and or trauma. We remain in the world but not of it to be the salt that preserves and the light that shows the way! The difference is the storms can’t affect us, but we can affect the storms through the power and grace of Holy Spirit!

This begs the question: What does our spiritual tackle look like? Here are a few things I’ve learned by the Spirit after encountering many storms in life:

1. The Bible-read it and do it
2. Prayer & regular fasting (In the spirit and intercession)
3. Fellowship with the saints. Go even when you don’t feel like it!
4. Good works (Faith without works is dead)
5. Seeking Godly counsel (In the multitude of counsel there is safety)
6. Safe guarding against pride (be teachable and receptive to correction)
7. Walking in humility (submission and obedience to the Father and those who are in authority over us even when we don't understand or agree).
8. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude. Paul learned to rejoice in times of abundance as well as times of lack. (Philippians 4: 11)
9. Separating yourself from the crowd (the world) to follow the cloud (the presence of the Lord)

Keep your spiritual ‘tackle’ ready and use it every day rather than waiting for a storm to hit. It’s easier to navigate through change while used to doing these things rather than waiting until a time of crisis!

Yours for the Journey!
Pastor Mary Ann


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