
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Longest Distance!

What is the Longest Distance between Two Points? Mary Ann Wray The longest distance between Heaven and Earth is the distance between your head and your heart. What you think you know about God and what He really thinks about you makes all the difference in the world. How we see Him is how we'll serve Him or not. How we behold Him is what we will become or not. The serpent lied to Eve and told her the reason why God didn’t want her to eat of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil was that God ‘knew’ when they did they would become like Him. What a lie. God created man in His image. They were already like Him! He created them to be His Son and Daughter who would produce more sons and daughters. They were His family! The serpent appealed to her intellect and in doing short wired her thinking into doubting her relationship basis with the Father. He craftily replaced mental doubts with God’s love for her and hers for Him! God is LOVE. He is a...

Do I need a Wineskin Change?

Do I need a Wineskin Change? Ps Mary Ann Wray It's a funny and curious thing that after 63 years of life, a Bachelor’s Degree, 3 years of Bible College, and years of life experience in and out of ministry I still don't know what I don't know. Being teachable is a lifelong journey. I once heard someone say that being teachable means we are willing to learn what we think we already know. Truth be told, only GOD is ALL KNOWING. Therefore, a humble person remains in a continual seeking mode of fresh revelation and insight. Jesus taught His disciples through what we call “The Lord’s Prayer" to ask the Father for “Daily Bread.” This Daily Bread is likened spiritually to the supernatural daily manna the Children of Israel lived off of while sojourning in the Wilderness. The word manna translates, “What is it?” We need childlike faith to approach and ask the Father every day what He wants to teach and show us. Otherwise, we’ll miss opportunities for the more He ...

Me Forgive Them? Really?

Me Forgive Them? Really? Pastor Mary Ann Wray This is a challenging topic to address but I felt compelled to write about it. With the help of Holy Spirit I hope to help others with an issue that touches every one of us at some point and time(s) in our lives! I struggled many years with unforgiveness and bitterness myself, but came to understand through the Spirit of Revelation that my bitterness was only hurting me. I also realized that my resentment and unforgiveness was also holding back the grace of God toward those I had an offense against. They were unable to receive the grace of God they needed because I refused to pray for and forgive them. Stephen in the Book of Acts, was stoned for His witness and preaching the Gospel. Saul of Tarsus led the band. Saul killed and martyred Christians thinking he was doing God a service. He was a Pharisee and a zealot for God. There are those today in Islam who believe the same! While being stoned, the Bible says that Stephen saw the Heaven...