
Showing posts from July, 2018


I feel led to release this word by faith... The Lord told me last month that He was going to send me back to Virginia (specifically the Tidewater area) to retrace my steps and take back what the enemy stole from me and my family. I'm not sure how or when...I just believe it is the Word of the Lord. I believe He will send me to begin evangelizing in the state of Virginia to accomplish the Will of the Father...not just for me and my family but for others TOO! There are people attached to your life and what happens to YOU happens for OTHERS too! The other day He told me that Virginia is the 'seedbed' for revival and took me back to 1607 with the first Cross planted for the Gospel at Cape Henry. A seedbed is just's a place where seeds are planted for a future harvest. What God did in Virginia in 1607 has continued and will continue to produce a spiritual harvest of souls! The incorruptible seed of God's word NEVER DIES! It's up to US to take it...


Revival Memorials... This just came to me… “Each generation has to dig their own well of revival!“ Genesis 26 (Isaac had to re-dig his father’s Wells HIMSELF). The Philistines (the enemy) filled them up with the dirt from the earth which speaks of the former generations blessings being buried and the next generation uncovering them because it is their inheritance! Glory!!! However, the existing generations that have experienced revival in the past , have “memorial stones” to point the next generation to and say “Look what the Lord has done and look what he can do now!” ( Joshua 4: 4-7) Shabach! It makes me want to shout! God told Joshua to set up a memorial of 12 stones from the 12 tribes in the Jordan River so they could point their children back in future generations to what God had done in their parents and grandparents generations!!! Hallelujah and praise God!!! He is a multi generational God… The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Glory to God! We still use memorials up unt...

Partnering with Prophecy-New Book Release! Link!

PARTNERING WITH PROPHECY DESCRIPTION What is the purpose of personal and corporate prophecy? Why do many of the words we hear or receive not come to pass or seem to take forever to manifest? Why do some local churches allow prophecy and others do not? These are a few questions that are addressed in "Partnering with Prophecy" by Pastor Mary Ann Wray. Mary Ann covers a lot of ground in a clear, concise but scriptural way to help bring clarity to a sometimes controversial but much needed spiritual gift within the Body of Christ. This is a practical yet spiritual must read for anyone interested in the prophetic, whether you are a novice or more seasoned prophetic minister. Partnering With Prophecy