Revival Memorials...
This just came to me… “Each generation has to dig their own well of revival!“ Genesis 26 (Isaac had to re-dig his father’s Wells HIMSELF). The Philistines (the enemy) filled them up with the dirt from the earth which speaks of the former generations blessings being buried and the next generation uncovering them because it is their inheritance! Glory!!!
However, the existing generations that have experienced revival in the past , have “memorial stones” to point the next generation to and say “Look what the Lord has done and look what he can do now!” ( Joshua 4: 4-7) Shabach! It makes me want to shout!
God told Joshua to set up a memorial of 12 stones from the 12 tribes in the Jordan River so they could point their children back in future generations to what God had done in their parents and grandparents generations!!! Hallelujah and praise God!!! He is a multi generational God… The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Glory to God!
We still use memorials up until this day. There’s a Vietnam war memorial, there is memorial day, we have graveyard memorial tombstones etc....Why? To remember those who have gone on before us and what they accomplished!
We are not to look back and despise those things i.e., the powerful hymns and music that came out of those eras, the moves of God, or the stories and testimonies that our spiritual forefathers left behind. They are there to bring us back and remind us of the everlasting love and power of God! Think about that!!!
“Remove not the ancient landmarks that your fathers have set!” Proverbs 22: 28
Some former reformers, revivals and revivalists but not in this order are: George Whitfield, Charles Finney, William Booth, Charles Spurgeon,Steve Hill, Jonathan Edwards, Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, the Toronto blessing, Asuza Street, the Brownsville revival,John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Huss, William Seymour, Charles Parham, Smith Wigglesworth,
And the list goes on and on. Glory to God!!!
I feel the Lord stirring me to go back and visit these moves of God as memorials and tell them to THIS generation that has not experienced it “YET!” Also to encourage and revive the existing generations who’s fire may have died out!!!
Whoop whoop I feel like preaching up in here!!!


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