
Showing posts from January, 2014

Heaven's Kiss: Out of the desert into God’s desired design

Heaven’s Kiss: Out of the desert into God’s desired design by Mary Ann Wray If we are to experience the kiss of Heaven as Jesus did in Matthew 3: 17 and see God’s hand move with us as we minister in His name, we must successfully come through a period of testing.   “And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."  The term “My beloved son”   is important to note and understand. With the Help of the Holy Spirit I will attempt to elaborate upon this. It is true that each one of us becomes a son of God through the new birth but there is a level of son ship where one must obey and submit in order to acquire. There are two Greek words used in the New Testament for son or sonship. One is teknon and the other is huios. Teknon is used to describe the status of a son.   John 1: 12 uses the word teknon when the Apostle said, “To as many as received Him to them did He give the power to become the sons of God.” It l...


The Heart of Intercession By Mary Ann Wray So much as been taught and written about the “art” of intercession over the past century to the point where most of us have at least 3-5 books about prayer in our personal libraries. While all of these teachings are helpful there is something that must be addressed if any type of prayer is to be successful and that is the “heart” of intercession. You see, prayer cannot be defined by a style or technique but a state of the heart. Having faith in the One who makes all things possible is more than a mental assent of His existence. The God kind of faith that moves mountains through prayers of intercession is birthed from the Father’s deep love for His children and forged into our hearts by the crucible of trials and afflictions. In turn, this produces the calm and restful assurance of joy within the soul.  Prayer goes much deeper than petitioning God or intercession for others although those forms of prayer can come forth o...