
Showing posts from January, 2015





Newark Advocate Article about my new book!


THINGS THEY DON'T TEACH YOU IN BIBLE COLLEGE ABOUT THE MINISTRY BUT YOU LEARN BY DOING IT! Mary Ann Wray 1. There is nothing "glamorous" about the Ministry. Leave the glamor in Hollywood. Focus INSTEAD on the CROSS-The Holy Wood! 2. Ministry is hard work, sweat, tears of intercession, fasting and a consistent prayer life 3. People will hate you for preaching the truth; some will LOVE you for it. 4. You may lose friends, jobs, position and popularity for pressing in to the call of God on your life but you WON'T lose your SOUL if you do! 5. You WILL be misunderstood, misjudged, criticized, maligned, lied about and betrayed but so was JESUS and HIS disciples! Be JOYFUL when it happens because you are a PARTAKER of HIS sufferings and reward! 6. An armor bearer doesn't carry the preacher's luggage, purse or Bible: an armor bearer in the truest sense of the word, carries their cross and shoulders the work along with other leaders they are att...

"GOOD" people go to HELL; while BAD people CAN go to HEAVEN!

"GOOD" people go to HELL; while BAD people CAN go to HEAVEN! Mary Ann Wray WHAT??? Here is the reason...You can NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH to make it to HEAVEN on your OWN OR in the way YOU think is RIGHT!  YOU WERE BORN BAD! Somebody else had to BE GOOD enough FOR YOU! "For I was born a sinner--yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. ... Look, I was guilty of sin from birth, a sinner the moment my mother conceived me." Psalms 51: 5 "Good" people who think their righteousness is what saves them go to Hell unjustified before God, while "Bad" but forgiven people who repent and renounce their sins go to Heaven because they have been justified before God through repentance and faith in Christ! That's why JESUS said, "You MUST be BORN AGAIN, from ABOVE" because we all were born bad on THIS EARTH due to Adam's sin! It's in our blood line! (John 3: 3) But through the NEW BIRTH we inherit a NEW Blood Line in Christ JESUS who SHED HI...


WHO? ME CARRY A CROSS? Mary Ann Wray On the way home from work today we passed a cemetery and on the side of the Mortuary was a carving of Christ carrying the cross on His shoulder. Being a former Catholic I noticed this because it was a Catholic Cemetery. I thought about how you mostly see Christ on a crucifix in a Catholic venue but here He was carry His cross. I began to meditate upon what it means for US to carry OUR cross. Jesus didn't call us to carry HIS. That was for HIM ONLY. He calls us to carry OUR Cross! It was then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Jesus carried His cross all the way to death, but many Christians lay their cross down when it comes to dying to self." I thought about the things and ways we Christians lay our crosses down rather than carrying them to our death... Things like, being late for church, not going to church, not witnessing our faith, not tithing or giving to the local church, not forgiving others their trespasses agains...


PRAYING FOR THE SOULS THAT ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR LIFE! By Mary Ann Wray Don't worry about those who don't receive you whether they are familiar acquaintances, total strangers, co-workers, church members, family members,etc etc etc. Just know that God has souls attached to your testimony not someone else's and HE will send them your way or visa versa. You can't save EVERYBODY. YOU can't REACH EVERYBODY. God has souls attached to YOUR life and YOUR testimony that others can't touch and minister to the way you can. Stop beating yourself up about the people who don't or won't receive your witness and testimony. That is beyond YOUR control...Part of it is their wills, perhaps your packaging i.e., gender, race, appearance and/ or them not recognizing thus yielding to the GOD in YOU. Those are the ones that you are not destined to deliver but God will call them to account one day for rejecting your testimony. However, someone else may be the one that can reac...


 PROPHETIC INTERCESSION Mary Ann Wray Prophetic intercession is different than supplications or asking. It is more than just "seeing" or "knowing"; it is "seeing" through the eyes of the Spirit and the eyes of the "Father"...Prophetic prayer is what produces groanings too deep to be uttered because they are birthed out of the Spirit of God: not flesh. You can't manufacture prophetic intercession out of your emotions, will or mind.Romans 8: 26 It's not even something you can "teach". You can teach "about" it but it has to be experienced to be understood. It can be 'modeled' and the Spirit of Intercession can even be "caught" by being in its atmosphere but it is not birthed out of human will. Prophetic intercession/ intercessors often find themselves in a lonely and isolated place because they "see" what others can't or don't see: such seeing is only revealed by the Spirit an...


BEWARE OF SUBTLE SNAKE BITES! Mary Ann Wray "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down." Revelation 12: 10 The enemy strives to create suspicion amongst the community of faith which can lead to accusations based on half-truths, innuendos and offenses. Why? He knows this creates dissension, disunity and slows the momentum of what the Holy Spirit wants to do in a local church. Until Jesus hurls the ACCUSER down forever, how do we as believers set by the Holy Spirit within a caring community of faith deal with it? Here are a few basic principles: 1. Follow Forgiveness 2. Choose to forget the offense as the Father does 3. Take the lowly road of Humility and 4. Don't continue to talk about the offense.  In matters...