Prophetic Meditations: Must I drink from this cup again?
As I've
shared with you before, I recently turned 60 and can hardly believe it some
days, although I can sure feel it! In 1976, at the age of 22, Jesus appeared to
me and I was gloriously saved and "Born Again" into the Kingdom of
the Father. But now, nearly 38 years later, I'm still learning and struggle at
times in the area of prophetic expressions and functioning. My husband and I
have been very blessed in the past year and a half to be embraced and part of a
ministry that is Apostolic/ Prophetic in "nature" with the New
Testament model of Ascension Gifts functioning together as a team. This is as
close to the NT church described throughout scripture we have witnessed in the
years of serving in various local churches in leadership capacities and in the
ministry of helps. However, our current church leadership will bring correction
as needed, not to humiliate, but to help adjust the heart. Let's be honest
folks, we ALL have blind spots and prophetic people have a tendency to become
puffed up because of the "abundance of revelations"...(2 Cor. 12:7)
Every now and again we need a pastoral pin to pop the bubble of haughtiness in a
spirit of love and pastoral care. Sometimes God will use a donkey to do it if
we become too thick headed like Balaam, but He'll still do it. Sure it stings,
but God chastens those whom He loves, doesn’t He?
As some reading this
may have experienced themselves, we've been misused, abused and/or taken
advantage of at different times by spiritual leadership with their own
unresolved ‘issues’. However, that cannot and will not nullify the grace of God
in us nor does it exempt us from being above correction. Sometimes my 'perception'
was skewed due to past hurts and my own unresolved rejection issues. I've had
to learn to work through these things in the past and with my current spiritual
leadership but trust Papa to continue to lead and adjust me according to His
will while believing Romans 8:28; He indeed is working all things together for
our good... even the ugly things we have buried deep inside of us or happen to
us because of ‘life’ as we place them on His potter’s wheel.
Someone mentioned in
a post I was reading yesterday about the timing of God and His gifts making
room for us. This is a fact (Proverbs 18:16). I believe the prophetic ministry
is unique concerning timing in that it can takes years sometimes decades for
God to get a vessel prepared and ready enough to deliver His "now
word" to the Body of Christ in the right spirit. Meanwhile, He uses and
refines us in the process as we spin around wildly at times on the potter's
wheel. It's not always pleasant but needed for growth, in order to build up the
body of Christ to which we are called. It comes down to the fact that our
preparation and the process involved is the most important thing because His
gifts are not for us: they are given "through" us FOR the Body of
Christ and to a lost broken world with hurting people. For this reason, we must
be and remain connected "to" the Head, Christ, and His Body even in
the midst of its dysfunction, disease and distress at times and in various
places. He’s still the Head of it and in control no matter what it may
appear, sound or look like to the natural eye or ear.
Staying connected to
His Body is what enables the Father to refine and heal us while we minister His
life in the same organism He's placed us in. A healthy body has the ability to
heal itself. An unhealthy body can self-destruct, through spiritual auto-immune
disorders. One function of the prophet is to enlighten the Body to 'see' how
much we need each other and how we must function together to rid ourselves from
these auto immune diseases so we can mature to the full measure of the stature
of Christ in us. (Galatians 5: 15; Ephesians 4: 13-16)
We must never give up
pressing in to the heart of the Father. That's where we find peace, restoration
and the grace to continue on in the journey of what He's called us to 'be'.
What He calls us to "do" is merely an overflow of "being"
(John 15). There is a purpose to every season you go through…even those
lone, dark, stark times when you feel rejected, isolated or alone. Remember, HE
is there working IN you and perfecting everything that concerns you. (Psalms
138: 8)
There will be many
Garden of Gethsemane experiences we will go through in this journey of faith.
During those times we will need to revisit the cup He’s called us to drink from
while groaning before the Father for the grace to continue to drink it. Each of
our lives are attached to souls for the edification and salvation of those He's
called to us as we continue to die to our own wills. It is a joyful journey but
at times it can be long and hard as we choose to embrace the path of the cross.
However, the journey always takes a 'right' turn as His glory continues to be
revealed by beholding His beautiful face directly and through every member of
His Body! The rewards He has in store for those who choose to persevere through
the press are beyond comprehension this side of Heaven and there is blessing on
the way! (1 Cor. 2: 9)
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are
being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from
the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor 3: 18
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