I am going to write more on this but here's the thing. We are commanded to test the spirits 1 John 4: 1...Why? Because of false prophets!
Today more than ever this is necessary because of all the heresy and goofiness going around in the Body of Christ much less in the world. "My people perish for a lack of knowledge." What kind of knowledge? Biblical knowledge!
How do you test anything? You must have a unit of measurement. If I want to test the temperature of water I need a thermometer. If I need to test my blood pressure, I need a BP cuff. Anything from metal, to computers to automobiles need to be tested before they are put into use: there is a QA process they must go through to test their soundness.
So, "how" do we test the spirits? Is it subjective or objective? Is it based on how it makes me feel or the truth? Either way, it must be based on a proven method. What is that method? Let me propose an 'antiquated' unit of measurement that hasn't changed my friends....The B-I-B-L-E.
Paul told Timothy to study to show yourself approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Bible has been pushed aside as a secondary method of trying anything these days and has been 'replaced' by "modern" thinking, extra Biblical 'revelation', prophetic (pathetic) insight and subjective relativism.
Friend, we need a revival of the BIBLE. Let's get MORE into the WORD of God through STUDY and see what IT says about TRUTH. It's 'easy' to take one verse of scripture and build an entire theology out of it but it will be totally out of context.
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