Don't let a Grudge be the Judge~
Don't Let a Grudge be the Judge~ Mary Ann Wray Definition: Grudge: a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. "She held a grudge against her former boss". Synonyms: grievance, resentment, bitterness, rancor, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, bad feelings, hard feelings, ill feelings, ill will, animosity, antipathy, antagonism, enmity, chip on one’s shoulder Today, through a certain post on social media, I realized I had been holding a grudge against someone from way back in the past whom I felt didn’t treat me and my family justly. For this reason, and the fact that it is a means of ministry for me, I appreciate Social Media even though it can be abused like anything else. When the Holy Spirit convicted me of this I realized that I have had a problem in this area and seek victory over it in Jesus’ name. You see, holding a grudge against someone can come about for several reasons. One is that they did ...