Present Day Pentecost
By Mary Ann Wray
“God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.”
Acts 2: 32-33
“God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.”
Acts 2: 32-33
There were actually seven instances where groups of Christians received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: 5 of which identify the Holy Spirit Baptism with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It is noted that this is a completely separate and distinct experience from Repentance from sin and the Born Again Experience i.e., salvation by accepting Christ’s atoning work as the only way to the Father (John 14: 6). The first account happened on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:2-21 and there were six other instances as follows: Peter preaching in Jerusalem before the Sanhedrin Acts 4: 31; Philip preaching to Christians in Samaria: Acts 8: 5-16; Peter and John continuing the revival in Samaria: Acts 8: 14-26; Paul’s Road to Damascus Conversion: Acts 9: 17; Peter preaching to the house of Cornelius: Acts 10: 45-48 and Paul preaching/ teaching to the Christians in Ephesus: Acts 19: 1-6.
In the instance where Paul was
converted to Christ by direct vision (Acts 9: 7-9), the Bible says the men
around him heard a voice and when Paul got up he was blind. They led him to
Damascus and he didn’t eat or drink for three days. Next, the Holy Spirit spoke
to a man by the name of Ananias by direct revelation and told him to go to the House
of Judas on Straight Street and lay hands on him to receive his sight. After
arguing a bit with the Lord about this the Lord told Ananias Saul was his
chosen instrument to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles, their Kings and to
the people of Israel, but he would have to suffer much. Ananias obeyed, went to
the house of Judas, laid hands on Paul and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”.
Scales then fell from his eyes, then he rose up and was water baptized.
However, in this passage there is no description of Paul speaking in tongues at
the time but in 1 Cor 14: 18 he tells the church that he prayed in tongues more
than ‘you all’.
We have to remember that Paul was
a religious zealot prior to his conversion. For this reason, he had many wrong notions about Jesus, the Apostles and the New Testament Feast of Pentecost. Perhaps those scales were the
manifestation of a religious spirit that Paul was delivered of before he could
comprehend and receive all the fullness that God had for him through the power
of the Holy Spirit. Paul was not one of the original twelve nor was he a
follower of Christ at that time. However, he may have actually been one of the
ones questioning Jesus concerning the law and mocking the 120 on the Day of
Pentecost on the outside, we don’t know for sure. What we do know is that Saul persecuted the
church and hated Christ and his followers prior to his conversion and put many
to death (Galatians 1: 13-16; 1 Cor 15: 9). No doubt Paul knew about the
‘experience’ of Jesus’ disciples on Pentecost which was a celebrated Jewish
Feast Day. He was a who’s who in the upper echelon of the religious community at
the time. Therefore, it is logical to assume that he had to have known or heard
about what was going because of his influence and position (Phil 3: 4-6). Jesus
had quite a few run ins with these Pharisees during His earthly ministry. So
would His disciples. It started for them on the Day of Pentecost and continues
to this very day!
There has also been confusion and
wrong teaching about “praying” in tongues versus “giving” a tongue in a
congregational setting. In the context of 1 Corinthians 14 Paul was addressing
the Church on how order should take place when using a gift of tongues along
with other gifts of the Spirit. The gift of glossolalia (tongues given by the
Holy Spirit to the believer) at the time of being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
is different than the “charism” or gift of tongues given in a corporate
setting. When a gift of tongues occurs the Apostle said there needs to be an
interpretation. Hence, tongues plus interpretation equals prophecy. Otherwise
no one in the church can be edified or built up by what is uttered in the
unknown tongue unless there is an interpretation in the known language of the
In the book of Jude, he talks
about building yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in tongues (vs.
20-21). There is a personal spiritual edification that occurs when we pray in
tongues. Many times people are hindered by wrong past teaching and therefore
carry doubt as to whether or not they will in fact speak in tongues when they
ask for the Holy Spirit. Scripture says that a double minded man can receive
nothing from God (James 1: 6-8). That is why it is so important to know and be
very familiar with what scripture has to say about The Baptism of the Holy
Spirit along with all other Apostolic Doctrines of the Church, versus what may
have been taught in denominational catechisms that include “man’s”
interpretation of scripture rather than what scripture says itself. Faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10: 17). The Word of God
through Scripture produces faith, but the teaching of man by the doctrine of
demons produces doubt, confusion and double mindedness.
I was raised a Roman Catholic and
was taught that tongues happened one time only, on the day of Pentecost.
Therefore, when I was confirmed at the age of 10 I was taught that I would not
speak in tongues because it was only for the early Apostles. I was told that I
would be baptized in the Holy Spirit at my confirmation when the Bishop
breathed on me and slapped my cheek, but it would be symbolic through publically
acknowledging my completion of catechism. Now, I could be a witness for my
faith as a Catholic and evangelize those who were not enlightened to the truth
of the One True Church. I prayed and fasted in preparation for this day and
believed that God would baptize me with the Holy Spirit. I had great
expectation and childlike faith, but I simultaneously had some wrong teaching.
Jesus called this ‘leaven’ (Matthew 16: 6; Luke 12: 1; Mark 8: 15; Matthew 16:
When the Bishop breathed on me to
receive the Holy Spirit and slapped me on the cheek something hit me and I
almost fell off the kneeling pad in front of the Bishop. I had to hold on to it
for a minute while I felt totally woozy. He then demanded me to ‘get up’. But
as I went back to my seat feeling like I was levitating down the aisle, I felt
something I never felt before and out of my belly I started saying, “Jesus
defeated Satan and death on the cross, Jesus defeated Satan and death on the
cross.” I had no knowledge of this revelation from my Catechism. It was
something Holy Spirit gave me. I believe it was the Spirit of Prophesy (Joel 2:
28). I couldn’t stop saying it! I was like a little parrot the rest of the
night saying, “Jesus defeated death and Satan on the cross!”
I believe had I been taught what
the Bible says about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit I would have spoken in
tongues when the Bishop slapped and breathed on me. I had childlike faith to believe something
supernatural would happen. However, even though I didn’t have the whole truth,
I had enough faith to expect something from God and He honored it. He always
does honor our expectant faith in Him. That’s why sound teaching is so
important. God takes the matter of being a teacher of His word very gravely.
James 3 says that teachers have a greater condemnation or judgment because the
Father entrusts His flock to them to provide the pure truth of Scripture-not a
mixture of empty tradition, demonic doubt and Pharisaical fodder. Otherwise,
His church suffers a lack of knowledge resulting in spiritual anemia.
My initial experience never
‘stuck’ with me because I wasn’t taught about it from scripture and what its
real purpose was for in the life of a believer. I was in a religious system
that was void of power and life even though I learned some great truths about
the Trinity, good works, and the fear of the Lord. I wasn’t taught salvation by
faith and repentance nor was I taught about the residing power of the Holy
Spirit through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was replaced by a ceremony rather
than an experience that God wants all of His children to have.
Years later, I was born again
during the Charismatic Renewal at a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Meeting. Once
again, I felt the power of God come all over me but much greater than my previous
experience. I was born again that day. Jesus revealed himself to me and spoke
to my heart saying, “It is I who you seek, look no further.” You see, I had
looked everywhere to find God: through the occult, New Age, Transcendental
Meditation, Daily Mass and reciting prayers etc. but was left disappointed and
empty. Several weeks later I attended a “Protestant” Charismatic Meeting and
they were talking about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit after being Born Again.
Well, I was saved at the time but my fiancé’ Bob (who is now my husband of
nearly 38 years) wasn’t even saved yet. He got up to be prayed for to receive
Christ and while they were praying for him he hit the floor and began to shake
and swing his arms and legs around like a cockroach while praying out loud in
other tongues. He received Christ, had a vision and was baptized in the Holy
Ghost with tongues all at the same time! Well I wanted that experience too!
They all knew I had been saved
already so they laid hands on me to receive the Holy Spirit. However, in my
‘mind’ I kept hearing this voice (the voice of traditional and religion)
saying, “You can’t speak in tongues, that was only a onetime thing for the
Apostles.” But then I heard another conflicting voice say, “Bob just spoke in
tongues and so do all these other people. It’s got to be for me too because
they just read the scriptures about all believers receiving the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit speaking in tongues.” With this war going on in my head I did not
have the faith to receive all that God had for me even though I wanted it very
badly. I went home feeling disappointed and a bit dejected but the sisters at
the meeting encouraged me to keep seeking the Lord about it stating
emphatically “This is what the Bible teaches, Mary Ann and this is the will of
God for you.” They encouraged me to believe the Bible and trust in Jesus to
give me the gift of tongues.
I continued to seek God and ask
for the gift of tongues because I could clearly see in scripture that it did in
fact happen more than once. I read the Book of Acts over and over again to
dispel any doubt in my mind. Additionally I knew scores of people who spoke in
tongues and my own fiancé received it without even asking. After several days
of praying and seeking the Lord for my own manifestation, I had a dream one
night that I was speaking in tongues. When I awoke I immediately prayed and
said, “Lord, I dreamt I spoke in tongues last night. What does this mean?” He
said, “Well then, if you spoke in tongues in your dream that means you can go ahead
and speak in tongues now. Do it.” I opened my mouth in faith because I had a
‘word from the Lord’ and have been speaking in tongues ever since!
Unfortunately religious tradition
and wrong teaching can put religious scales on our eyes and create confusion in
our spiritual ‘hearing’ when at the same time, we know there’s got to be more
from our Heavenly Father. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of
God. As a child of God, it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom
which consists of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. His Kingdom
consists of power for you and I NOW. He hasn’t changed a bit no matter what man
may say. If you seek Him, you will find Him along with all of His rich
treasures, if you seek for Him with your whole heart!
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11: 12-13
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11: 12-13
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