Prophecy: "Living Stones"
March 22, 2015
Prophecy given by Pastor Mary Ann
Wray Sunday Morning
And the spirit of the Lord would
say, this is how I build a house. With living stones, some of which have been
badly burned. But I build it unto a lively priesthood. And these stones are
being washed and they’re being buffed but
they are being compiled together to
build my house in this city, in this region my way, not man’s way. And because I
build a house your labor is not in vain and because I have been keeping watch over
this city for decades and I have not been happy and I have not been pleased
with the condition of my house and for this reason the Lord says, I breathe
upon this place, I breath upon this place called the Rock Columbus.
I breath my
breathe of life upon this house upon this Rock and I will build my church and I
am building my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against my church.
Because my church is made up of living stones; men and women and children and
cross generational and across gender and cross nationality and cross socioeconomic boundaries and I have put in this place even now blacks and whites and
Hispanics and Samoans, all nationalities because this is my Kingdom says the Lord.
And the Lord would say I am well
pleased and all I ask of my children is to love one another. All I ask you is
to forgive one another as you rub against one another in your humanity. The Lord
would say, learn to forgive. Learn to overlook the blemishes in the gemstones.
You have not yet been made perfect but when that which is perfect is come than
that which is imperfect shall be done away but until then you must learn how to
overlook offense you must learn to overlook your imperfections and you must
learn to see through my eyes because it is through you and with you and in you
that I build my house says the Lord.
Not upon one man’s gift but upon my son
Jesus Christ and His body and you are my body, you are my people. You are my
lively stones that I have carved out of this earth and I see you as beautiful
and I see you as fitly joined together because it is I the Holy Spirit that has
baptized you into this place. I have fit you together as I will; not as man
wills, but as I will.
And what you have seen here today
is a demonstration of how I have fitly joined you together. Different colors, genders, different races, different age groups; different different
but in me one. Do not consume one another, do not bite one another do not come
against one another but love each other because what I am going to do in this
house is going to upset many leaders in this city. What I am going to do in
this house is going to turn their spiritual religiosity upside down and they are going to say, “What is this; what
is this?” and the Lord says it’s because it is my divine design that I build my
house upon apostles and prophets and ascension gifts, training and equipping my
house and my church for works of the ministry.
And I have placed the heart of
the Father in this ministry. And there are spiritual fathers
and there are spiritual mothers and there is more coming in that will train and
mentor and teach and heal the next generation because this is my way says the Lord. I am tired of man’s way. And you have seen
many fall but be prepared in this city many shall fall that are standing in
what you call the limelight. It is not
my light says the Lord. It is their own glory and I am about to strip them of
it says the Lord. So be ready for the shaking when it comes. Just know that it
is coming and don’t put your mouth on them. You let me deal with them.
And the Lord says there is a
changing of the guards because I am raising up a new breed of leaders (next few words not clear)…And the Lord says
now is your time to come out and shine-the manifest sons of God, the manifest
daughters of God, that have been hidden away in dark places but you’ve learned
to trust my heart. And now it’s your time to shine and it is time to take this
city back; it’s time to take it back says the Lord. And I shall do it through this place.
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