The Wonderful Diversity of the Holy Spirit!
The Wonderful Diversity of the Holy Spirit...
By Pastor Mary Ann Wray
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit
distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is
the same God at work."
1 Corinthians 12: 4-6
The Lord has been opening up this passage to me more and giving me additional insight as I've been gleaning from a variety of different types of ministries over the years and even more so recently.
What I see is that within each type of spiritual gift/ gifting, an individual operates in that gift in a variety of ways i.e., government gifts: Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist along with the 9 spiritual gifts (prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits, healings, miracles and faith) and the 7 motivational gifts (prophesying, serving, , teaching, exhortation/ encouragement; giving, leading/ administration, and mercy. It's as individualized as the person themselves. How they operate in their giftings is their spiritual 'fingerprint' from God so to speak
Using a natural metaphor to illustrate this better, we have the automobile industry. Within that industry there are different manufacturers and makes of vehicles within each manufacturer. Within each Name Brand of vehicles (such as Ford, Chevrolet etc.) there are different models. Their sole purpose is for transportation but the amenities vary from model to model.
Applying this principle spiritually to the prophetic ministry, there are different 'types' of prophets. Some are seers, others are intercessors, some are dreamers, others House prophets for the local church, some are regional/ national, some are foretelling prophets, others are gifted in dream interpretation, some are forth telling, some have a mixture of some or all of these aspects... so on and so forth. However, their purpose remains the same: to build up, edify and comfort the Body of Christ. It’s their expression that varies from vessel to vessel.
At the same time, we can grow in the measure and stature of our gifting. Unlike a vehicle that can't change in and of itself, we are a living breathing spirit made in the image and likeness of the Father and have the ability to change from glory to glory. As we give ourselves to studying our gifts, exercising them, praying, being coached by other mentors, growing in our intimacy and knowledge of the Father's Heart and love, and receiving impartation of Divine Grace through other ministries, our measure within our gifting expands. Most people have a gift 'mix' of several things from the three different gift categories listed above.
Ephesians 4 bears out the fact that we are increasing and growing in our individual measures..."Until we all come to the full measure of the stature of Christ." I haven't arrived at that yet...have you? You see, Jesus had the Spirit without measure but we are ever learning, ever increasing and ever growing in our faith and knowledge of the Father. None of us have arrived yet! When we see Him we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is! But that won't happen until we are united with Him as the Bride of Christ at His return. When that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect (incomplete) will pass away into a state of perfect completion (1 Cor. 13: 10).
Since we have this treasure in jars of clay an individual's temperament, personality, life experience, revelation and understanding play into how they operate in different spiritual gifts as well...
Some prophets major on building local churches and assisting pastors in this endeavor. Some are more teaching prophets, some are more anointed in counseling and dream interpretation and the list goes on and on.
We tend to 'pigeon hole' the different gifts, but God is so diverse and all powerful in how He uses each vessel, they differ and are varied as the stars of the Heavens. We only know in part and prophesy in part. That's why it is so important to have diversity within the local church to bring a more holistic and balance in ministry. This topic is nearly inexhaustible but these are just a few thoughts about Spiritual Gifts.
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