Opponents of the Wells of Life
By Mary Ann Wray
A while back
I watched a video of a church digging a well for fresh water in Masai, Mara. The
well in Mara caved in after the drill hit living water. They had to reposition
the drill and dig several more times and return a second time to Africa before
hitting a living spring and the equipment not caving in as a result of it. It
occurred to me that this is exactly what the enemy tries to do with us as we
dig deeper into the things of God.
The enemy
opposes the life giving water of the Spirit and will do whatever he can to stop
up the wells or cause our striving after the things of the Spirit to ‘cave in’.
I then thought of Genesis 26 where Isaac sought to dig up the old wells his
father Abraham dug when he returned to Gerar at the word of the Lord. It was
Isaac’s right and inheritance to drink from the wells his father dug years
before, but there were past opponents to his inheritance-the Philistines who
stopped them up and current opponents-those land "squatters" whose
jealousy and strife opposed Isaac’s right to gain his father's wells back.
26:15-22: “So all the wells that his
father's servants had dug in the time of his father Abraham, the Philistines
stopped up, filling them with earth. Then Abimelech said to Isaac, "Move
away from us; you have become too powerful for us So Isaac moved away from
there and encamped in the Valley of Gerar and settled there. Isaac reopened the
wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the
Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names
his father had given them. Isaac's servants dug in the valley and discovered a
well of fresh water there. But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's
herdsmen and said, "The water is ours!" So he named the well Esek,
because they disputed with him Then they dug another well, but they quarreled
over that one also; so he named it Sitnah He moved on from there and dug
another well, and no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, saying,
"Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land."
Notice the
name of the three wells. The first well Isaac called Esek which means
‘contention’. There will be those even in the house of the Lord that will
resist the moving of the Spirit and quarrel over doctrinal points. They are
either confused about or not interested in the life giving water that flows
from the presence of God. They are more interested in proving their point and
sticking to the old way of doing things. However, God is not moved by their
objections. Neither was Isaac. He kept moving towards that which he knew was
his God given inheritance and kept digging anyway.
The name of
the next well is Sitna which means ‘strife’. No sooner did Isaac tap into the
presence of God again, strife began to break out. There are those in the house
of the Lord whose heart is not set right towards the things of God.
Unfortunately yet prophetically, in the middle of a move of God and the Holy
Spirit there will be those who will sow strife and discord among the brethren.
Their hearts are not pure but divided. Their interests are not totally on the
advancement of the Kingdom of God; but rather the advancement of self or their
own agenda. They seek to draw men’s hearts after their own and represent a
Pharisee spirit in the church today.
Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six
things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying
tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil a false witness who pours out lies and a
man who stirs up dissension among brothers.”
We must be
aware of the fact that in every move of God there is an opponent to it. This is
not to discourage us but to help us gird up the loins of our mind and be aware
that these things will happen. But like Isaac, we must press through the
opponents because the name of the third well describes what will happen to us
if we do!
The third
attempt to re-dig his father’s wells resulted in ‘pay dirt’! Isaac named this
well “Rehoboth” which means "wide places or streets". Isaac declared
after his third attempt that “God had made room for him and he would be
fruitful in the Land” just as his Father Abraham prophesied over him. You see,
just because a prophetic word came over you doesn’t mean it will ‘automatically’
happen. You have to press in to God for that promise and contend for your faith!
Paul told his spiritual son Timothy in 1 Timothy 1: 18 to wage a good warfare
by the prophesies that went out over him! The devil is not going to sit back
and watch you and I obtain the promises of God in our lives without a fight my friends!
You will
attain the promises of God in your life with the help and assistance of others.
Otherwise, you will think you did it all yourself. Isaac’s servants helped him
dig and likewise we need to yoke up with like-minded believers in a spiritual ‘tribe’
who ‘believe’ God’s best for you and themselves and will contend for it with you!
God will make a way prosperous for us as we continue to press on towards His
presence. There is no opponent that will stop the flow of the River of God if
we determine in our hearts to press forward and not compromise our position or
inheritance. It is our right to re-dig our Father’s wells!
In John
chapter 4 the Pharisees became angry and contended with Jesus because his
disciples were baptizing more than John the Baptist was. They were the
opponents of the New Covenant that Jesus represented and proposed to the
multitude then and now. When Jesus heard this report he returned to Galilee but
passed through Samaria on the way. He stopped in a village named Sychar which
was near a parcel of land that Jacob had given his beloved son Joseph. There
was well there too, called Jacob’s well. Jesus stopped to rest and get a drink
from this well. This had prophetic significance to a Samaratim woman and to us
as well.
We all know
the story about how the Samaritan women came by the well and Jesus asked her to
draw him out a drink from it. She was shocked that Jesus, a Jew, would ask a
Samaritan to do him such a favor since they were hated by the Jews:
particularly a woman. Of course we know what Jesus told her, "If you knew
the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked
him and he would have given you living water."
discourse continued on revealing heart attitudes this woman had about accepting
anything Jesus had to offer. She first argued that she had nothing to draw
with. Her next excuse was that the well was too deep. Next, she lacked
understanding and questioned where she could find this ‘living water’ that
Jesus had to offer and alluded to. Finally, she insulted Jesus by questioning
His authority and asking if He was greater than their father Jacob. Jesus was
not moved by her questions, insults or objections. He maintained His cause and
corrected her thinking by pointing out all the things she referred to were
merely temporal.
answered by saying, "Everyone who
drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give
him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring
of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14.
By Jesus’
speaking the pointed truth to this woman amidst her carnality and objections
the light of ‘revelation knowledge’ began to go off in her mind and spirit. She
then declared, "Sir, give me this
water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw
Their second
discourse continues on where Jesus tells her to go call her husband. This
further revealed to her the fact that God knows about our spiritual condition
in a non-condemning way even when we may try to hide it from Him. Jesus
revealed secrets to her that she didn’t want Him to know. This further
validated His authority. She realized He was a prophet. Jesus continued to
dethrone her religious philosophy and belief system which was that God can only
be worshiped on a particular mountain (way) that tradition dictates (verses
declared to her that whoever worships God must worship Him in Spirit and truth.
This triggered a prophetic truth in her spirit she no doubt had heard about
before: The Messiah is coming and when He comes, He will explain everything to
us! Finally, Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.”
In the next
scene some new opponents turn up: Jesus’ own disciples who questioned why He
was speaking to a woman-a Samaritan one at that. But these opponents couldn’t
or didn’t stop this woman who had ‘tapped in’ to life giving water and they
certainly didn’t challenge Jesus further! She left her water pots and
immediately went to town telling everyone who would listen about the man who
told her everything she had ever done. She had found the Christ!
As we embrace
the truth of Christ and His life giving water, there will be those who will
receive the life giving waters of revival and eternal life amidst the
opponents. It is our God given right to dig up the wells of life and it is our
God given inheritance to receive and share this joy with others! We must
continue to tap in to the Spirit amidst the opponents to the life giving truth
of God’s word no matter what the cost because there are souls waiting on the
other side needing to be refreshed! We too can declare that our God has made
plenty of room for us and we shall truly be fruitful in the land of His
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