The Broken Box
THE BROKEN BOX – By Mary Ann Wray “There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.” Matthew 26: 7 Most everyone is familiar with the Biblical account of Mary Magdalene pouring expensive ointment out upon Jesus. Scripture gives us four gospel accounts from four different perspectives, four different apostles. Each account sheds a different light on the situation. We see from these accounts that this was the most valuable thing Mary owned at the time. Some scholars say it was worth a year’s worth of wages. In our currency it would equal somewhere around $20,000.00. Some say she would have had to get this from the “Black Market” because ointment like spikenard was from the Orient and used only for Kings. It was something you just couldn’t pick up in the local market. Others say that it was used on the wedding night and the bride anointed her...