Daydream Believer...
Daydream Believer
Mary Ann Wray
a young child, I developed a bad habit of constantly daydreaming. I learned
that through fantasizing, I could become anyone, do anything, or go anywhere I wanted. I replayed what I saw on "Father knows
best," Donna Reed", or "My Three Sons" and inserted these
images into my own troubling scenarios at home, school and with neighborhood
kids. What I observed other people doing, that I thought were loving and good,
would be played back in my mind like movie clips. My real life events were
replaced with imaginary ones along with living characters, including my father,
mother, other family members, friends, teachers, or myself. An unhappy family
life, learning disabilities, and social conflicts were completely transformed
into what I wanted to be rather than what they really were. I wished so badly
that my real-life mirrored what I desperately wanted and this was the only way
I believed it could ever become a reality.
a side note to this open confession, may I suggest to parents and caretakers of
children, that in this day and time, we ought to be real careful about what we allow
on Television and what types of music they listen to? Images and ‘sound-bytes’
replay in their heads, even while they are asleep. It can cause nightmares in
their sleep and behavior problems during the day. Watching T.V. and playing
video games shouldn’t replace using their creative imaginations in a healthy
way or getting physical exercise. Obesity among children is on the rise, not
only because of S.A.D., The Standard American Diet, but the fact that kids are
allowed to be little floor potatoes, glaring at flat screens while holding
remotes in their hands for hours at a time. Reading books has nearly become an obsolete
practice among elementary and middle school children any more.
up in the 50’s and 60’s, we didn’t have video games. T.V. was in black and
white and programs mirrored very traditional family values. Censoring
prohibited foul language and nudity. I wasn’t allowed to watch more than an
hour a day during the week and two hours on the weekends. I was banned from
watching the “Three Stooges” after I grabbed my Dad’s nose one night after he
came home from work. I held his nose in one hand and slapped it down with the
other while mimicking Curly’s laugh: “Yuh, Yuh, Yuh!” I thought it was funny and my Dad would be
humored by it. Needless to say, he didn’t find it the least bit amusing!
parents told me to go outside and play and I did for hours each day. Even in
the winter, we’d make snow ‘forts’, ride bikes, collect rocks and in the warmer
weather climb trees. In the summer we’d go fishing for tadpoles and crawdads in
the creek behind the house. I know it’s not so safe to do some of these things without
supervision nowadays, but kids need to get out of the house and explore. Back
then, there wasn’t the rampant problem with rebellion, violence and behavior issues
like we see today. Children are very emotionally vulnerable and can become mesmerized
by images, songs, and suggestions replayed over and over in cartoons, video
games and sitcoms. Some of these purposely mock God, demean authority and
promote bloody violence. We have to be our children’s ‘soul police’ because the
media isn’t doing it for us! Ironically censoring immorality is pretty much
banned in media today all under the guise of “Freedom of Speech”.
early childhood, exercising the imagination in a positive way is very good. But in my case, it was a form of escape: escape
from deep emotional pain and rejection. As a result, I didn’t function well
socially or academically. I realize now
it wasn't my fault, but what I had to correct and take ownership of, was my thought
life that was ‘crooked’ from childhood traumas. After I got born again, I would
catch myself daydreaming and fantasizing. To this day, I have to consciously
stop it when my mind begins to wander. Daily I ask the Holy Spirit to help me
in this area. Then, I can begin to evaluate my own thoughts and discern where
they are coming from. I can easily go down the wrong ‘mental’ path because of past
habits; somewhat like a maze. Pretty soon I find myself lost in empty thoughts!
God gave me a sensitive prophetic nature, so I have to be particularly careful
how I think and must be on guard against familiar spirits revisiting my mind. If
not, thoughts can become the "place" and seedbed for demons to
produce counterfeit beliefs and strongholds.
wasn't until I began to renew my mind with the Word of God, and sit under sound
doctrinal teaching that I could begin to recognize the lies of the enemy and start
renouncing ‘hidden works of darkness’ in my thought life. I haven't arrived
yet. I believe this is something we all must work out daily by sanctifying our
total being: body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We take care of our
bodies every day by feeding and washing it. It’s the same way in the spirit and
soul realm. There are unclean spirits and pollutants all around us. We are not
immune from their affects but we have authority over them in Jesus’ name! Paul
wrote in 2 Corinthians 10: 6 that we don’t wrestle or fight against flesh and blood.
We war against principalities, rulers of the air and wicked spirits. They work
in the unseen realm and influence the way men think through Anti-Christ
philosophies. For this reason, we must bring every thought captive into the
obedience and knowledge of Christ. We are charged to cast down every vain
imagination. If thoughts and ideas don’t produce Kingdom fruits of
righteousness, peace and joy they have to be swatted out of the mind like
flies! Since they have no power to bring godly corrective changes in character,
they are vain (empty and void of any power).
We have to be able to recognize these kinds of thoughts and ideas that
come to us in a variety of ways before we can get rid of them. The only way we
can learn to discern, is by becoming very familiar with the Word of God and
understanding His nature! We are only exposed to teaching and preaching a few
hours each week at church, but at least 150 of those hours are spent on our
own! In this sense, we are the captain of our souls. How we spend our valuable
time depends on our own choices.
“For the word of God is alive and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and
spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4: 12. No one and nothing else can provide the knowledge we
need to live a godly life during our waking hours but the Holy Ghost and Word
of God. We are saved by grace and born again by the Spirit through faith.
That’s the easy part but the real challenge comes afterwards. We have to desire
to grow spiritually, study the Word of God, and learn to take dominion over our
own soul. We are tri-part beings, just like God. We are spiritual beings that
will live eternally, but temporarily exist in a mortal body. We possess a soul
which is our mind, will and emotions. We mirror the image and likeness of the
Godhead. Jesus was God incarnate in the flesh while on earth. After the
resurrection He attained a glorified body that will never die. We will too
after the resurrection of the just! The Holy Spirit is invisible but
responsible for providing us with abundant life. He is our Life Force. He leads
and guide us into all truth and convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment.
He is the Spirit of Truth Jesus spoke about in John 16: 13. The Father is the
heart (soul) of the Godhead. He has emotions and great love for humanity. That
is why He sent His only beloved Son to die for us. He longed to reconcile man
back to Himself. He knew the only way was through Jesus’ shed blood.
someone repents of sins and takes Christ as Lord and Savior the spirit man
becomes regenerated and alive or “Born Again” as Jesus described to Nicodemus
in John Chapter 3. Before then, the Bible says we were dead in our trespasses
and sins! A miracle occurs at the “New Birth” but neither you nor anyone else can
see this miracle with the natural eye. Your body didn’t change at all; but His
spirit within you bears witness in you that you became a child of God (Romans
8: 16). When you receive Christ, you receive the power to become His son or
daughter (John 1: 12)! One way to look at it is like the hard drive and driver
on a personal computer. Before Christ your spirit was like a corrupted hard
drive and your will was the driver. The hard drive (spirit man) had to be
reformatted to remove all the files corrupted with viruses and Trojan Worms (sin)
that got that way through Adam’s sin. This sin nature was something we all
inherited. That’s right-you and I were born with a corrupted hard drive! The
driver that made the software on our hard drive run was iniquity (the willful
desire to do what pleased your flesh). But after the New Birth, that sin nature
was replaced with God’s DNA-His Divine Nature and Attributes. This spiritual
transfer caused your will to want to ‘drive’ in His direction rather than your own!
we still have the same body and soul after the Born Again experience. Memories
aren’t magically erased. Emotions are not supernaturally reconfigured to feel a
certain way. Using this same example of a PC, the soul is like ‘software’. These
applications help the computer do many different functions efficiently. The
soul is what processes how we see, feel, hear and do things. Part of the
process of ‘de-programming’ our old mindsets is like removing malware from software
applications. It’s a part of your computers necessary maintenance. Romans 12: 2 tells us not to be conformed to
this world’s pattern (syschēmatizō).
A schematics is a pattern or blueprint showing how something is arranged or
organized. It’s an official plan or program of action. The enemy is the god of
this world and has a plan to influence and tempt man to a pattern of rebellion
to God’s law. But not so for the child of God. We are to be transformed
(metamorphoo) through the renewing of our minds. This word metamorphoo is where
science gets the term metamorphosis. It's the transforming process of changing a
worm into a butterfly or moth. By nature, our minds are worm like in many ways.
We could be the most brilliant thinker on earth, but the natural mind is
opposed to God and can’t receive anything from Him (1 Cor 2: 14). The word of
God sweeps our minds of these ‘worms’ to think like Christ and function the way
He designed our minds to function in the Garden. It’s a lifelong process and
won’t be complete until we leave this earth (Ephesians 1: 14)! “Christ loved the church and gave himself up
for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the
word.” Ephesians 5: 25b-26
did His part for us on Calvary; His work of shedding His sinless blood for our
sins is ‘finished’. Now it’s our job to continue the personal journey of faith
and follow Him daily. He has not left us comfortless or powerless. The same
grace that saved us from our sins is the same grace that enables us to pick up
our cross and do His work. That’s why He taught us to pray “Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth (in me) as it is in Heaven!” “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my
presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation
with fear and trembling…” Philippians 2: 12
thoughts and imaginations is the enemy's playground and battlefield. He wants
to bring confusion and disrupt our ability to hear God clearly. “Stinkin
thinkin” as some preachers call it, gets us off track and makes us believe
things about ourselves, others, and The Godhead that simply are not true. This
leads to bondage and inner chaos rather than peace and freedom in the inner man.
Meditating on God's Word, is the antidote. Philippians 4:8 tells us this: “whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it
into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Thoughts produce
actions! As a man thinks in his heart, so he is!
Lord showed me that I must discipline my thoughts the same way I discipline my
body through a healthy diet and exercise. My spirit man gets exercised by
praying in tongues, worshipping God (even when I don’t feel like it) and doing
the works He shows me to do. We have to feed our soul with sound doctrine and preaching/
teaching in a Biblically patterned full-gospel church. We are His sheep; His
flock. No matter how long we’ve been walking with Him, He wants us to feed in
green pastures beside still waters; not places riddled with sticks, briars and
murky waters. Be careful what you feed on; it just may choke you!
takes effort and cooperation with the Holy Spirit to dominate the soul. We have
to consciously quiet our thoughts and mind in order to hear His still small
voice and obey Him. This demands an act of our will. Setting time aside to be
alone with the Father is the starting point. Being God conscious throughout the
day helps us to become more sensitive to the Spirit’s conviction. Remember, He
doesn’t just convict us of sin. He also convicts us righteousness and judgment:
the things we should do and what He determines to be right or wrong. He teaches
us how to discern our own actions (fruit) as well as judge the things going on
around us. Yes, we need to be fruit inspectors! That’s how Jesus said we would
recognize trees! You know if something is fleshly or spiritual by the fruit it
produces (Galatians 5).
we neglect to practice this spiritual discipline, the soul quickly and happily
takes the driver seat while the spirit man slides over to the passenger side! It’s
so much easier to let our soul do the driving than the spirit man, isn’t it? It
takes no discipline at all to let our feelings, will and self-centered thoughts
dictate how we behave and react in a situation. Our spirit should be driving
Ms. Daisy rather than Ms. Daisy driving our soul! Ms. Daisy will drive you
crazy! Proverbs 20: 27 says the spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord,
searching the inward parts. Psalms 18: 28 says that God Himself will light our
candle and enlighten our darkness. The spirit is meant to guide us through
life, by the power, instruction and light of Our Heavenly Fathers voice (Romans
8: 1-16)! Sometimes I have to consciously take my soul out from behind the
wheel and shove it back over to the passenger side with commands like, “Be
quite!” “Shut up!” “Empty thoughts and
imaginations get out of my head in Jesus’ name!” “Mary Ann, submit to God! Die
to your flesh!” “Think on the Word of God, mind!” If I don’t, I become hijacked
and veer off in a completely direction than where I really need to go!
living is learning to conquer the giant within us, as my Pastor puts it. Jesus
said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Therefore, this “soul giant” needs a
King to govern it. Jesus needs to be King of Soul-not self! If self is on the
throne it may bring temporary pleasure and self-gratification, but always ends
up in bondage and defeat. Take it from someone who lived in a vicious cycle of
defeat for many years. I was governed by selfish thoughts, broken emotions and
self-will. Our pastor often says that the soul makes a good servant but a
terrible master. There is a lot of wisdom in that statement! Proverbs 16: 26
puts it this way…“There is a way that
seems right to a man but the end is destruction.” Jesus showed us the way
through overcoming His own temptations. Because He lives in us and we have the
same power that raised Him from the dead working on our behalf from the inside,
we don’t have to be overcome with temptation and sin. If we’re going to possess
His promises on the earth and take dominion we’ve got to first take dominion
over the soul. The same grace and faith
it takes to get born again is the same grace and faith we must use in order to
become ‘sanctified’: to think, walk, talk, and work like Jesus! In Luke 21: 19
Jesus said, “In your patience possess
your souls.”
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