Holy Ghost "Pop-Ups"
Holy Ghost Pop-Ups…
Mary Ann Wray
While working the other day and getting very frustrated with firewalls
preventing applications from opening quickly without getting a pop up, I
rebooted several times but the pop ups kept re-appearing. Rebooting didn't make
them disappear either. Finally, I took a break and God showed me something!
I can frustrate the grace of God the same way. Every time He tries to open
up a truth to me about my soul that I need to address and crucify, I can react
in many different ways rather than patiently seek
Him in the frustration and get some understanding.
I can get angry, divert the truth and say it's for somebody else, get
defensive about it, shift the blame to a close relative or friend, even deny it
exists altogether and even try to 'spiritualize' why I react this way! His Holy
Spirit "Pop-Ups" come in a variety of ways. Whether it's through correction,
a sermon, something we read, or hear, a person's reaction/ interaction with us
etc., we can frustrate the grace of God and Spirit of Truth through a bunch of
defense mechanisms like putting up our own firewall against Him.
Getting defensive enough times is like rebooting the system but it doesn't
change the fact that the pop ups are still going to come; it only delays the
process of the Holy Spirit working in the inner man. All of these defense
mechanisms and self-protective walls are a fleshly attempt to 'save our life'
when Jesus said we need to lose it! What I try to save really needs to die.
When it dies, I’m saved! The Father is ever so patient and long-suffering with us!
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the
truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears,
and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16: 13
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