
Showing posts from 2017

Partnering with Prophecy!

Partnering with Prophecy! Pastor Mary Ann Wray As someone who loves the prophetic and studied it for years, I’ve learned something very important about personal prophetic words: we must partner with prophetic words we receive, if we want to see them come to pass! I will attempt to explain what I mean by ‘partnering with your prophesy’. First of all, there are a few prophetic caveats I’ve learned over nearly 40 years of walking with the Lord that I’d like to share with you but I am still learning too! We never learn all there is to know about a truth on this side of Heaven! The first thing is this: don’t elevate the vessel giving the word with the word itself. In other words, we only know in part and prophesy in part. Since we are vessels of clay we are subject to miss the mark and error. God only gives them a prophetic piece of the puzzle for your life. Secondly, not every ‘word’ you receive may be inspired. It’s important to pray for discernment and not take every wor...

Prophecy: "Living Stones"

March 22, 2015 Prophecy given by Pastor Mary Ann Wray Sunday Morning And the spirit of the Lord would say, this is how I build a house. With living stones, some of which have been badly burned. But I build it unto a lively priesthood. And these stones are being washed and they’re being buffed but  they are being compiled together to build my house in this city, in this region my way, not man’s way. And because I build a house your labor is not in vain and because I have been keeping watch over this city for decades and I have not been happy and I have not been pleased with the condition of my house and for this reason the Lord says, I breathe upon this place, I breath upon this place called the Rock Columbus.  I breath my breathe of life upon this house upon this Rock and I will build my church and I am building my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against my church. Because my church is made up of living stones; men and women and children and cross gene...

The Wonderful Diversity of the Holy Spirit!

The Wonderful Diversity of the Holy Spirit... By Pastor Mary Ann Wray "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6 The Lord has been opening up this passage to me more and giving me additional insight as I've been gleaning from a variety of different types of ministries over the years and even more so recently. What I see is that within each type of spiritual gift/ gifting, an individual operates in that gift in a variety of ways i.e., government gifts: Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist along with the 9 spiritual gifts (prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits, healings, miracles and faith) and the 7 motivational gifts (prophesying, serving, , teaching, exhortation/ encoura...

A Disciple Revival!

A Disciple Revival! By Pastor Mary Ann Wray Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 I was saved in the 1970’s during the Jesus Movement and Charismatic Renewal. Raised as a Roman Catholic I had no clue what having a personal relationship with Jesus meant, much less the reality of the Holy Spirit. God apprehended me in a Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting and my life was forever changed! Back then, a lot of emphasis was placed on discipleship and small groups. I thank God for that because I don’t think I would have survived the following years without this as a foundation in my life. I believe that discipleship started to lose its emphasis and become somewhat of a ‘lost art’ in the 1980’s with the onset of televangelism, Word of Faith and Healing Ministries. This is not to say these things were wrong; I believe they were part of great moves of the Spirit and church res...

Are You Peculiar?

Are You Peculiar? Mary Ann Wray We’ve all seen some peculiar things in our lives ranging from the fictional to the real. I’ll never forget the first time I heard about and saw a duck-billed platypus as a youngster. This creature is part mammal and bird. The platypus is the only kind and living representative of its  family  and  genus in the animal kingdom. It hatches from an egg like a reptile or a bird, but it grows fur and has mammary glands to feed milk to its young. It is warm-blooded unlike a bird or reptile. It lives on land but spends a lot of its time in water.  Platypus have a bill like a duck and webbed feet like an otter. It’s sort of a ‘misfit’ in the animal kingdom-an anomaly of sorts since it’s a mixture of several other animal species. There is no other living creature like it on earth. The Merriam-Webster definition for the word peculiar is: characteristic of only one person, group, or thing; different from the usual or normal: stra...

Jesus Our Jubilee!

By Mary Ann Wray According to the Hebrew Calendar, we are into the year 5777 called “Ayin Zayin”. The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, began on October 2 of 2016 and ends on October 4 of 2017. It just so happens that 5777 is also a seven year of “release” and a 50 year Jubilee (the seventh year of seven years). For the past several weeks in prayer I kept hearing in my spirit, “A year of release.” I couldn’t shake this thought so that is what sent me on the search for more revelation from the scriptures. To lay a bit of a foundation for what I believe is the prophetic significance of this season, we can see layers of meaning in the characters of the year 5777. You see, the Hebrew alphabet doubles as letter or numbers. Ayin’s character for “70” is two “eyes” so the significance of it means to see, to watch and know, and Divine Providence. Zayin’s character, the number seven, has several layers of meaning too. It means harvest, food as from the harvest that is cut from an implement s...