
Showing posts from 2019

Concealed but Revealed to Heal!

Concealed but Revealed to Heal! Mary Ann Wray "He who the Son sets FREE is FREE indeed!" John 8: 36 So after a series of extremely disappointing and unfortunate events at the last church/ ministry we were part of and in leadership for over 5 1/2 years, the Lord has been taking me through a deep process of self awareness and healing. This is now month # 11 since we departed there and He's still healing me. It has been tough at times, but WONDERFUL at the same time. I appreciate small groups, conferences and workbooks for getting knowledge and some level of freedom etc., BUT there is no TEACHER better than the Holy Ghost. God is much more patient with us than ourselves and other people. There is NO QUICK FIX in the Kingdom of God regarding the heart of man. Yes, I believe in miracles and they happen, but I have come to realize that when it comes to our mind, will and emotions, God is VERY patient and kind and there is always tension between us and ...

Sincere Love

Sincere Love Mary Ann Wray “K nowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold,  but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.  He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love , love one another earnestly from a pure heart,  since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;  for All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever. And this word is the good news that was preached to you.” 1 P...

Paper Lies and the Law of Love

Paper Lies and The Law of Love… Mary Ann Wray I had a dream a while back where I was ministering the word of God to a congregation of people, when all of a sudden, little yellow pieces of paper (similar to post it notes) with legs began running out of the church towards the foyer door then out of the building. As the little papers with feet ran out of the building, people were being set free from bondages and the place was emptied out as the Holy Spirit washed over God’s flock with the word of the Lord. I asked the Lord what these pieces of paper were and He said, “Lies”.  You see, when God’s word is declared, that is free of ad-mixture, people can get liberated. The lies of the enemy, are like post-it notes.   They stick to our thinking and declare and decree things over us and to us that are untrue. They are half truths about God, ourselves and others. These “paper lies” seek to rule and dominate our thinking frustrating the flow of God’s grace and power...

Where are the Joseph's of Today?

Where are the Joseph’s of today? Mary Ann Wray Where are the Joseph’s of today? Thought for the day… While Joseph was in Potiphar’s house God gave Joseph a word of wisdom for Pharaoh after he interpreted his dream. Thankfully Pharaoh heeded Joseph’s words of wisdom. The word of wisdom was that pharaoh was to take 1/5 of everything that was gathered during the seven years of plenty And store it up for the seven lean years ahead. In other words, during the time of plenteous seven years that was prophesied, they were to take 1/5 of the harvest and store it up for the coming seven lean years so that no one would go hungry or starve to death. With all the prophets of doom, some of which are probably accurate, where are the words of wisdom for the church to know what to do in the coming days ahead? I believe the church is going to have to shift the emphasis from giving to only build a local church to giving in order to help and store up a portion of the offerings colle...

More About Faith!

More on FAITH! Mary Ann Wray Faith comes by hearing the Word of God! Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things we hope for and the EVIDENCE of things NOT SEEN (In the natural). God framed the world with His spoken Words. Everything we see is a result of God's Faith SPOKEN and released to create the visible from the invisible! The same principle works for His sons and daughters. We are made in HIS image and have been given the same nature through the New Birth! “Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had, who wrote in scripture, “I believed, therefore I spoke.” We also believe therefore we also speak.” 2 Cor 4: 13 If you pray it you will hear it If you hear it you will believe it If you believe it you will see it If you see it you can seize it When you seize it you will have it! “And David inquired of the LORD, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hand?” And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into ...

Stayed in Grace!

How to Stay in GRACE! Mary Ann Wray It's very important to stay focused on what God has called you to BE and equipped you to DO by His grace that was freely given to YOU-not somebody else. IMPORTANT FACTS !!! If you are frustrated it's for one of two reasons: 1. Your grace meter is running low and you need MORE. If this is the case, go before the THRONE of GRACE to find HELP in time of NEED! He's got PLENTY to give you if you just humbly ASK! 2. You're doing something you're really not called to do. You may be trying to function in a grace you are not anointed with. Seek the Lord humbly and honestly about it and be open for redirection by the Holy Spirit. There is a 'rest' for the people of God. Unrest is a sign you are operating in your own strength rather than the power of the Spirit. He has given EACH one of us grace for our calling whether it is to be a full time Mom, call center rep, doctor, lawyer, teacher, coac...

The Morphing Dragon

The Morphing Dragon Mary Ann Wray I had a vivid dream about a month ago. I was in the back of a van with my husband and some other people from church when I saw a beautiful light in the sky to my left. It was dark but the light was amazing. It was mesmerizing but as I continued to gaze at the light, it morphed into an angel and I began to yell out "Look, there's a beautiful angel." It grew larger then started to come at me as it heard me speaking. As soon as it came to the window where I sat, it morphed into another form-a hideous threatening looking dragon. It looked like a Chinese New Year dragon with many layered colorful scales and huge sharp teeth. As it approached my window in a threatening manner it suddenly stopped. I had no fear but said out loud, "This is what you are?" Right then, it shattered into a thousand pieces as if it were made out of plastic. Jezebel takes on may forms and appears as an angel of light. It can 'seem' quite...

Do you KNOW the REAL Jesus????

Here is an important message from the Father to you today! Through His Servant Mary Ann Wray Here is an important message from the Father to you today! As I was driving around today running errands I began to weep for the lost souls of this world and for Jesus’ church, the Bride of Christ, that is so fragmented and divided. Do you know the REAL Jesus?   Jesus loves... However, some "churched people", as well as worldly ones, actually think Jesus has changed from a loving healing, miracle working, patient, wise, compassionate Savior that he was when he walked this earth, to something "less than" that because things are so bad in the world today.   My friends, nothing could be farther from the truth. He is the SAME yesterday today and forever! In fact the word of God tells us where sin increases Grace does all the more abound and increase to meet the challenge! Do you really think He's coming back for a "less than GLORIOUS church?...

False Witnessing

False Witnessing... Mary Ann Wray In Matthew 19 Jesus tells a rich young ruler what he must do to be saved. In this context he gave him the six commandments that deal with loving others. One of these Commandments Jesus said, is not to bear false witness against a neighbor. The word for false witness is pseudomartyreō. It means to utter falsehoods in giving testimony; to testify falsely; to bear false witness. In other words, it's to lie to someone about another or to lie to someone directly. Why do people lie? There are a lot of reasons but they all center around"self": saving face, trying to look good in front of others, fear of getting in trouble, vindictiveness, wanting to curry favor with a leader, putting someone else down in order to make oneself look better, greed, and the list goes on. It's amazing how many Christians are willing to lie about others in order to advance their own agenda. God sees and God knows. Within the Greek word for bearing a...

Who's Your King?

Who's Your King? Mary Ann Wray I hate to be a bearer of bad news folks, but an earthly ruler, president or political figure can’t save us now any more than Herod or the Roman Rule could save the Jews in Jesus’ day. Many of the Jews (mainly the spiritual leaders) rejected Jesus because he did not come politically as they hoped. Those Jews who did believe and receive Yeshua as Messiah, understood their greater need. Many of the Gentiles believed in Jesus also, when Paul the Apostle began his missionary work to them after Jesus’ Ascension and personal appearance on the road to Damascus. Jesus came to save His people (Jew and Gentile alike) from their sins. That’s what we need saved from. That is what has separated us from God and that is what kills. We need to understand that the answer to America’s or any nations’s issues (including our own) are not and will not be found in a political or religious figure. If we maintain that type of mentality, when the Fals...