Do you KNOW the REAL Jesus????

Here is an important message from the Father to you today!
Through His Servant Mary Ann Wray

Here is an important message from the Father to you today!
As I was driving around today running errands I began to weep for the lost souls of this world and for Jesus’ church, the Bride of Christ, that is so fragmented and divided.
Do you know the REAL Jesus?
  Jesus loves... However, some "churched people", as well as worldly ones, actually think Jesus has changed from a loving healing, miracle working, patient, wise, compassionate Savior that he was when he walked this earth, to something "less than" that because things are so bad in the world today.
  My friends, nothing could be farther from the truth. He is the SAME yesterday today and forever! In fact the word of God tells us where sin increases Grace does all the more abound and increase to meet the challenge! Do you really think He's coming back for a "less than GLORIOUS church?" Do you think He's coming back for a weak, sick anemic Body???
   I felt He wanted me to release this word to you today. If you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts but open your heart to the Good Shepherd. Maybe some of you have been turned off by the hypocrisy you’ve seen or experienced in the house of God or maybe you’ve been wounded by someone you trusted who who said they knew God but betrayed your trust in some way.
  Whatever the case may be, He wants you to know that He will never hurt you, leave you, nor forsake you. He loves you! Here is what I felt he wanted me to tell you today…
  Jesus loves sinners, Jesus loves saints, Jesus loves religious people but hates religion because it kills, Jesus loves Democrats, Jesus loves Republicans, Jesus loves Independents, Jesus loves liberals, Jesus loves conservatives, Jesus loves atheists, Jesus loves communists, Jesus loves Muslims, Jesus loves Jews, Jesus loves Africans, Jesus loves Italians, Jesus loves Caucasians, Jesus loves African-Americans, Jesus loves the Irish, Jesus loves the English, Jesus loves all nations, Jesus loves Indians, Jesus loves Orientals, Jesus loves Catholics, Jesus loves protestants, Jesus loves drunkards, Jesus loves prostitutes, Jesus loves addicts, Jesus loves thieves, Jesus loves murderers, Jesus loves homosexuals, Jesus loves liars, Jesus loves haters, Jesus loves the world!
  Jesus is the answer for the world today above him there is no other, Jesus is the way. Thank you Father that you made a way for us to be reconciled to you through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, your precious only begotten beloved son.
  It is your blood and your power that will save us, forgive us, heal us, cleanse us, and deliver us. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn us but that through him we might be saved.
  The thing that brings condemnation to us is doubt and unbelief of God’s Grace, goodness and Jesus’ shed blood For the forgiveness of all of our sins. God forbid that we should ever doubt that.
  Religious condemnation and legalism never saved anybody then or now. God is love and offers us his free gift of salvation to anyone who wants it. It is not found in a church, it is not found in a creed, it is not found in a denomination, it is not found in your good works; it is found in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice for your sins.
  If you pray to him now and ask him to come into your life now and forgive you of your sins now and free you from condemnation now he will come in and HE will begin a wonderful work of salvation that will start today!
  If you have been away from God it’s never too late to come back. He doesn’t shame you for your sins. He provides a way of escape from them and offers you eternal life and forgiveness of sins, The fullness of the spirit, joy unspeakable, and strength to go through your daily trials. Jesus blood is enough and his grace is sufficient to get you to heaven!
  You don’t need to clean up your act to come to him. Come to him as you are and he will accept you where you are and move you forward through his grace to become all that he has created and predestined you to be. Follow him and he will make you to be a fisher of men. He is the good shepherd of your soul. Not the pope, not an apostle, not a prophet but Jesus Christ!!! He has risen from the dead and he is alive. If you put your trust in him he will never disappoint you!!!


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