The Morphing Dragon

The Morphing Dragon

Mary Ann Wray

I had a vivid dream about a month ago. I was in the back of a van with my husband and some other people from church when I saw a beautiful light in the sky to my left. It was dark but the light was amazing. It was mesmerizing but as I continued to gaze at the light, it morphed into an angel and I began to yell out "Look, there's a beautiful angel." It grew larger then started to come at me as it heard me speaking. As soon as it came to the window where I sat, it morphed into another form-a hideous threatening looking dragon. It looked like a Chinese New Year dragon with many layered colorful scales and huge sharp teeth. As it approached my window in a threatening manner it suddenly stopped. I had no fear but said out loud, "This is what you are?" Right then, it shattered into a thousand pieces as if it were made out of plastic.
Jezebel takes on may forms and appears as an angel of light. It can 'seem' quite alluring, attractive and useful to the ministry. It can even appear as an answer to your prayers but beware. You know a tree by its fruit. The dragon is the spirit of religion and Anti-Christ that comes to devour the woman (church) and her children (spiritual fruit). Jezebel is after your fruit.
It is a vicious spiritual dragon covered with the scales of pride (Job 41: 15). It's job is to replace the power of the spirit with something that takes on the form and appearance of spirituality but is destructive in nature. It has a hidden agenda.Jezebel is no match for Jesus and the spirit of prophecy He carries as His testimony!
This is a principality hard at work in the earth and in/ against the church. It won't be cast down and defeated until Jesus returns. In the meantime, priests and prophets need to stay humble i.e., close to, dependent upon, and intimate with the God-Head in order to overcome its allurements and deception. We need to pray for discerning of spirits as never before. The Lord showed me that there are four categories of spirits we need discernment in: the spirit of man,, the spirit of the Lord, angels, demons and the spirit of the age. The Word of God divides soul from spirit, joints and marrow.
No one is immune to Jezebel and just when you think you've figured it out, it will morph into another form. If you joke about it and think you can't be affected by it, you've already been deceived.
Revelation 12


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