By Mary Ann Wray
By Mary Ann Wray
By Mary Ann Wray
"Blurred Lines" Pop Song Lyrics
Sung by Robin Thicke and William Farrell
Everybody get up!
Hey, hey, hey
If you can't hear what I'm trying to say
If you can't read from the same page
Maybe I'm going deaf,
Maybe I'm going blind
Maybe I'm out of my mind
Everybody get up
OK now he was close, tried to domesticate you
But you're an animal, baby, it's in your nature
Just let me liberate you
Hey, hey, hey
You don't need no papers
Hey, hey, hey
And that's why I'm gon' take a good girl (MORAL-my comment)
I know you want it
You're a good girl
Can't let it get past me
You're far from plastic
Talk about getting blasted (TURNING HER BAD-my comment)
I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me
Everybody get up
What do they make dreams for
When you got them jeans on
What do we need steam for
You the hottest b*@#h in this place (YOU’RE NOT A DOG; YOU’RE A DAUGHTER-my comment)
I feel so lucky
Hey, hey, hey
You wanna hug me
Hey, hey, hey
What rhymes with hug me?
Hey, hey, hey
end of lyrics….
We are living in a day when the moral lines and absolutes that were once so clear and dear in our society have not only become blurred but nearly blasted to the point of oblivion. This poses a dilemma for the modern day Church-especially in America. What are we going to do about the blurred moral lines being propagated in our society? What are we going to do about the moral absolutes that are being mocked by pop culture, politics and in some instances the so called ‘church’? How does this affect our witness? How does this affect our preaching? How does this affect our own belief systems? If the foundations be destroyed what shall the righteous do? Psalms 11:3
We have a destiny decision to make individually and corporately. As the church “ekklésia” called out ones of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are here for a purpose-HIS purpose, not our own. Are we going to stand firm for His moral laws, absolutes and Gospel or are we going to fall for everything and anything that is being peddled as ‘gospel’ these days? Are we going to pursue our own dreams or His dream for a family that is too great to number like the stars of the sky?
Politicians, presidents, priests and potentates alike may hold a ‘position’ but this does not mean they are approved of by God. In fact, elected officials represent the votes of the masses. That says something about the way most Americans think and believe these days; whether they are “Christians” or not.
It is becoming more and more obvious that those who stand firm for the truth, even in some church venues much less publicly, are facing harsh criticism and persecution as never before. What shall the righteous do? Can we allow ourselves to be intimidated by threats and false accusations, or are we to continue to take a stand even if it means losing ‘status’? Jesus said, “If you save your life, you will lose it; but if you lose your life for my sake, you will find it.” Matthew 16: 25
The Lord showed me the real reason behind persecution; whether it comes from within the church, your family, work relationships, outsiders or unbelievers. It is simply because the MESSAGE of the FULL Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that you preach/ bring/ stand for threatens man's security systems.
In order to protect one's own security, whether it be spiritual, religious, political, moral, financial etc. men will mock, falsely accuse you, defame your character and slander you through their forms of persecution so that, not only themselves, but others will not be persuaded by 'The Message' thus threatening their own little 'empire'-so they think. The servant is NOT above his/ her own master. If they persecuted Jesus for the gospel, they will persecute His true church. This persecution can take on the form of false accusations (religious), taking away federal tax privileges (political), arrests (local government) etc. They want their ‘domain’ to remain intact; personally and/or professionally.
Persecution can be particularly severe when it stems from 'leadership'- albeit governmental and/ or religious. I believe we are 'just' beginning to see a wave of persecution manifest. On social media sites such as this one, if anyone dare speak out against immorality, there are those who slander the prophets calling them haters. The same thing goes for our current governmental administration. Many have voted on the basis of outward appearances rather than a moral platform. Now morality is being mocked, defamed, and watered down to where those who believe in Biblical morality are called intolerant bigots and haters. What is particularly troubling is that this attitude against moral absolutes is creeping in the church!
Even in our current Presidential administration we see moral lines that were once validated by congress becoming more 'blurred' to the point of obscurity. Now the Constitution is being called an outdated document. New amendments are being written to chip away at the very framework that our founding fathers labored and prayed over for days, months and years; not to mention those who shed blood to obtain such a ‘democratic’ nation. All of this is going to put additional pressure on the church to either become more liberal and “user friendly” or return to God’s moral absolutes and raise up a standard “in house” and in the World that we live! What if we lose our tax exemption? Then what? Will we still give and will the church continue to thrive? I say YES because God’s prosperity and provision is not dependent upon man’s tax laws! (Matthew 17: 27)
The day after our President sanctioned same sex marriages publicly, my then 13 year old granddaughter said a bunch of junior high school students ‘came out of the closet’ and began holding hands in the hallways and making out in the bathrooms. Our precious granddaughter was like Lot’s wife and children-smack in the middle of such moral deprivation that it boggles the imagination. Our president removed the governmental boundaries that provided any moral basis protecting the sanctity of marriage and covenant in our society. As a result our culture has cast off all restraints regarding sexual purity without this ‘vision border’ (Proverbs 29: 18). The President is not totally to blame, but his sanctioning ‘same sex’ relationships will be judged by THE JUDGE for the implications and affect it is having on our culture. I pray he repents.
Now, our society is racing faster and faster to the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. The good news is that God will not destroy us with fire and brimstone. The bad news is that our society is doing a good job of destroying itself. Yet there are those who have the audacity to blame God for our societal ills.
We took God out of our public schools in the early 60’s when our government banned prayer. Now look at our public school systems that once used the Our Father and the 23rd Psalm as the first reading primers introduced to youngsters learning how to read. It has been a slow fade that has resulted in the darkest of nights in our own precious nation that once hailed itself as “One Nation Under God.” Now the question is-which god? It is clear it is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but the god of this world-cosmos. Jesus help us!
In light of this darkness (pardon the pun and oxymoron), the only remedy is THE LIGHT. Isaiah said, “Arise shine for thy light has come. And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60: 1. Who is that light? We know, it is Jesus Christ. But He is risen; He is not here you say. True, but He ascended on high and He gave gifts unto men. Not only are they fivefold ascension ministry gifts but you and I are His gifts (stars) lights in this world (Matthew 5: 14). The CHURCH is the LIGHT of the world. But if our light become darkness where is the light?
Saints of God, it is time to ARISE and LET HIS LIGHT SHINE ON, IN AND THROUGH US! Count the cost. Either way it will cost you and I something. If we DON’T let His light shine, it will cost us losing His light in our lives. If we obey and LET HIS LIGHT SHINE, it will cost us our reputation. Which is of more value? That is the question we must ask ourselves and that is the cost we must count. …what is more valuable to us?
In this hour we must must must make a conscious and quality decision for the days ahead since the moral lines have become 'blurred' as Pop Artist Robin Thicke sings. We must decide if we are going to COMPLETELY AND FULL HARDHEARTEDLY speak, stand for, and proclaim God's moral truth, righteousness and uncompromising word at the risk of losing our own personal 'security' or blend in with the crowd causing our own vision to become 'blurred' and possibly wind up losing our own souls.
If we are not being persecuted in our faith we must ask yourself an honest question....WHY? The very nature of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST - not man's gospel, is a sword (Matthew 10: 34). Initially it will NOT bring peace but it will divide/ separate soul, spirit and flesh causing an upheaval in man's belief systems. That's why when Paul preached at Mars Hill (Acts 17:22) a near riot ensued and he left the city and went on to the next.
Ironically, persecution never has a permanent negative affect. The more the early church was persecuted, the more it grew! Persecution may cause an initial scattering (Acts 11:19) but once the dust settles the glory of God manifests and gathers His elect! (1 Peter 4: 14)
As the remnant church continues to emerge and arise, persecution will grow stronger, but so will the Glory! This is a pivotal time in history. The remnant church is like Esther….called out for such a time as this. Let us pray like she did in response to Mordecai’s admonition to stand up for her nation and say, “If I perish, I perish.” But she didn’t and neither did Israel. We, the church, the spiritual Israel of God grafted in, will not perish. The gates of Hell will NOT prevail even as the blood of the martyrs cries out for justice. Jesus will make all things new and He WILL return for a GLORIOUS church without spot, blemish or wrinkle; no fading, no waning, no corruption-only true Holiness unto the Lord!
All threatening, blasphemous, abusive and intimidating remarks will be removed . God bless your heart. I’m not here to patty cake; I’m here to proclaim His message.
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