The Church-A Living Organism; not an Organization!
The Church: A Living
Organism- not an Organization!
By Mary Ann Wray
“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by
God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ….But you are a chosen people, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the
praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once
you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not
received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Peter 2: 4-5 & 9-10
I was raised in ‘church’. I went
to mass every Sunday after giving my confession on Saturdays. I did everything the
church told me I needed to do in order to be right with God and accepted by
Him. There was no guarantee I would go to Heaven. Chances are I would go to a
place called purgatory after death to have all residue sins burned out of my
soul before I was fit to stand before my judge. Year after year I did penance,
communion, sacraments and mass, but week after week I was left feeling empty
and dry spiritually. I knew there was more…
In 1976 I was introduced to Jesus
and the Holy Spirit by some friends. There, in a Catholic Charismatic prayer
meeting, I met the King of Kings through the person of the Holy Spirit! My life
was forever changed. As I began to devour the scriptures God began to shed new
light on my understanding about what it meant to be a Christian, a saint of God,
and to have Heaven as my eternal destination!
For the past 38 years He has been
teaching me these things and what it also means to be part of His “Church”. In the past I looked at Church as an
organization made up of priests, leaders, members, a building, a board and many
activities including outreach. While these things exist and serve a purpose,
this my friends is not God’s definition of the church!
It is interesting to note that
the word church is used 77 times in 76 verses of the KJV. The actual definition
of the word church according to the Greek Lexicon is this:
Ekklésia-a gathering of citizens called out from their
homes into some public place, an assembly
an assembly of the people convened at the
public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating
the assembly of the Israelites
in a Christian sense
an assembly of Christians gathered for worship
in a religious meeting
a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping
for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites,
hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs, according to
regulations prescribed for the body for order's sake
those who anywhere, in a city, village,
constitute such a company and are united into one body
the whole body of Christians scattered
throughout the earth
the assembly of faithful Christians already dead
and received into heaven
We can see from God’s perspective
that the church is an innumerable group of people ‘called out’ of one place
into another for HIS eternal purpose. A better modern term might be “Assembly”….God’s
Assembly! What is it that God has called
us out from and in-to and together as one?
We see it in 1 Peter 2:9…He has called us “out of darkness” INTO “His
marvelous light!”
The darkness He calls us out of
is the “system organization” of this world and sin! Satan is the god of this
world (cosmos) and the father of lies. He is a cruel taskmaster offering
temporary and pleasurable benefits but demanding by overbearing lordship
complete allegiance to darkness with the cruelest tricks up his sleeve. His job
is to rob, kill and destroy and he accomplishes it all through lies and
deception. We see the evidence of this through the moral decay and compromise
all around us today. Good is being called evil and evil good (Isaiah 5: 20). His
sole MO is to take mankind all the way to Hell with him forever!
However, our Heavenly Father is
the Father of light, mercy and truth. He sent His son Jesus to give us life (life
in the complete sense of body, soul and spirit) and gives it to us in His
abundance! (Matthew 5: 16, John 10: 10, 2 Corinthians 1: 12, Colossians 1: 23, James
1: 17).
Getting back to the concept of
church and what it really is….it is God’s people, together comprising a living temple:
His Body! We, the people of God make up the Body of Christ. We are a body not a
building made with human hands (Mark 14: 58; Acts 7: 48)! God formed and
fashioned us into His image, to be His temple and together we make up His
corporate, complete Body with Christ as the Head. Therefore, we are a living breathing
organism made up of many parts. For this reason, God is quick to condemn sins
against the Body such as fornication, adultery, homosexuality and dissension (1
Cor. 6: 9-11 & 18-20; Proverbs 6: 16-19).
Yesterday in our time of
corporate prayer, the Lord gave my husband a mental picture as we were praying prior
to the start of our evening service. He saw a huge organ light mass pulsating
and breathing in and out. He didn’t know what it meant and neither did I at
first. Later, as service began and the presence of God began to shift and move
through different ones during praise and worship and a time of ministry, the
Lord showed me that that the picture God gave Bob was that of His church. We
are a living organism that lives and moves and has its being by the breath (pnuema-spirit)
of God. Prayer is what causes us to come together and be activated as His
living organism in the earth through the power of His Holy Spirit!
Here is the definition of an organism:
1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
2. a form of life considered as an entity; an animal, plant,
fungus, protistan, or moneran.
3. any organized body
or system conceived of as analogous to a living being: the governmental organism.
4. any complex thing or system having properties and functions
determined not only by the properties and relations of its individual parts, but
by the character of the whole that they compose and by the relations of the parts
to the whole.
Therefore, the church is not a PHYSICAL building or an organization put together according to man’s plan and agenda-WE together, His called out ones are His building, His Body, interdependent upon one another in Christ (1 Cor.12: 12-26). We may meet inside of a building once or twice a week, but together we make up the whole part of His Body. As such, we are called together for such a time as this out of the world of darkness into His marvelous light to shine forth His truth as beacons in a landscape of untruths, half-truths, lies and deceit. We are knit together through prayer and baptized by the Holy Spirit into one corporate Body (1 Cor. 12: 13)!
Beloved, we MUST see ourselves as
part of a whole. I am part of you and you are part of me. We need each other to
function as God created us to be….ONE in a spirit of Unity in Christ as our
Head! What better way to be incorporated by God but through prayer and deep
fellowship with one another? How can you slander and talk evil of someone that
you are fervently praying for? How can you hate your own flesh and blood?
(Galatians 5: 15). He is coming back for a glorious church/Body without spot
blemish or wrinkle. Together we make up His beloved bride who is being prepared
for a great Wedding Feast. But until then He is equipping us and knitting us
together to be bearers of light and one another’s burdens until He comes back
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