Churchdom Works Vs. Kingdom Exploits
Churchdom works vs Kingdom exploits
Mary Ann Wray
My wonderful husband wanted me to
post this article again. Thanks for the encouragement honey! I hope this article
speaks to your heart!
There are too many people stuck in a religious system and think that by going to church on Sunday, cheering on another man or woman of God, giving your tithes and offerings to support 'their' ministry while you sit back and watch, is what Jesus Christ requires of his disciples. This is NOT the same as serving the King/ advancing God's Kingdom.
When are we going to understand and learn that there is only ONE King? We serve THE KING in HIS Kingdom as priests in a royal priesthood; not as kings in a kingshood! We are His ambassadors/ representatives in a world that is not our home. Selah.
When He returns for a thousand year reign, THEN we will reign with Him as Kings. We are not ready for it now....our egos and flesh would only pollute our kingship just as Saul's did his. We are part of a Davidic priesthood now. We'll rule with Him later!
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Revelations 20: 4
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2: 9
One of the challenges in the Body of Christ today is that we have been well "churched" but not instructed well in the things and ways of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, very little change has taken place in the hearts of men. We have witnessed the “kingdom's of men”, seeing the impotent fruit that has been produced, and followed man's ways in "churchdom". This has led to burnout, fallout, frustration, rejection, pain, spiritual immaturity and bewilderment in God's remnant bride.
But the Kingdom of God is invisible...only evidenced by true signs, wonders, miracles and deliverance. There is only ONE King but many laborers (Matthew 9: 35-38). The Kingdom of God is propagated and preached by healed, delivered and empowered lives who have been put together again by the King of Kings. Many who were once broken have been tucked away for repairs by the King for such a time as this...When you are about Kingdom business, you rejoice when you see other branches and works being raised up around you to do exploits in His name. Today, ministries become jealous and intimidated when someone else opens up a church in "their region" and feel like you are encroaching on Holy Ground!
I heard the Lord say that many cities, like the one I reside in is like a "Valley of Kings". These kings have promised much but produced little. As a result, a population of sick, anemic and self-centered wondering sheep have been produced who have been led about by Saul's rather than David's. They have not been equipped to be released; only to stay and serve another. They've looked for and been led by Kings when God wanted them to follow Him fully. Other leaders under these Kings have been taken captive and made slaves. They are burnt stones but God is rearranging and restoring these stones to be built up unto a Holy Priesthood. I prophet I know teaches that God is taking stones out of quarries from other places to repair His temple elsewhere. (2 Kings 22: 6). His sheep know His voice and will follow Him where they need their souls restored and their giftings can be utilized to do Kingdom exploits. No man is an island unto himself/ herself. It takes a tribe to advance the Kingdom. Many tribes in 'unity' can do even more. Do we serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or some other god that puts a ministry tribe under some 'other' category or Kingship?
"And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men." 1 Samuel 22: 2
Those who are discouraged, in debt and tired of being enslaved by a King mentality be encouraged....God is raising up a Davidic priesthood again! He says that it is time for the King of Kings to be lifted up in the valley and in this nation, and God's sheep will be restored to the King of Kings through servant leaders who will feed them the hidden manna of Heaven. They have adopted the ministry philosophy of Jesus and govern by example and humility. They put others’ welfare before their own (Philippians 2: 6-8). As a result, the Lord’s ekklésia (church-called out ones) will be challenged to grow up in Christ Jesus and follow the Leadership of the Holy Spirit and the ministry pattern of Jesus Christ; not the precepts and dead principles taught by powerless men/ women who are like clouds without rain.
God is sending out a clarion call to those who will hear. The remnant will hear but the Pharisees will be wroth.....the already are!
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Revelations 22: 17
Forgive us Lord, for following man, rather than seeking your Lordship and following the leading of your Holy Spirit. Forgive us for not taking responsibility for our own spiritual health and running here and there to hear things preached that are blowing in the wind rather than studying to show ourselves approved unto God. Forgive us for not seeking your Face and seeking favors instead. Forgive us for allowing man to rule over us rather than the Lordship of Christ Jesus and striving to perform well in order to seek our identity in what we do rather than whose we are.
Come Lord Jesus and awaken your Bride, deliver us from evil and ignite our passion for our first love once again. Have mercy on us, and raise up remnant leaders for your remnant church to bring YOUR Kingdom to this earth before your second coming....We pray for laborers in the Harvest who don't work for mammon but live off the hidden manna of God.
One small voice in the desert/ Servant Leader, Mary Ann Wray
A true prophetic voice will fearlessly incur the wrath of the religious rather than appeal to the senses of the masses and win man's praise.....
There are too many people stuck in a religious system and think that by going to church on Sunday, cheering on another man or woman of God, giving your tithes and offerings to support 'their' ministry while you sit back and watch, is what Jesus Christ requires of his disciples. This is NOT the same as serving the King/ advancing God's Kingdom.
When are we going to understand and learn that there is only ONE King? We serve THE KING in HIS Kingdom as priests in a royal priesthood; not as kings in a kingshood! We are His ambassadors/ representatives in a world that is not our home. Selah.
When He returns for a thousand year reign, THEN we will reign with Him as Kings. We are not ready for it now....our egos and flesh would only pollute our kingship just as Saul's did his. We are part of a Davidic priesthood now. We'll rule with Him later!
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Revelations 20: 4
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2: 9
One of the challenges in the Body of Christ today is that we have been well "churched" but not instructed well in the things and ways of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, very little change has taken place in the hearts of men. We have witnessed the “kingdom's of men”, seeing the impotent fruit that has been produced, and followed man's ways in "churchdom". This has led to burnout, fallout, frustration, rejection, pain, spiritual immaturity and bewilderment in God's remnant bride.
But the Kingdom of God is invisible...only evidenced by true signs, wonders, miracles and deliverance. There is only ONE King but many laborers (Matthew 9: 35-38). The Kingdom of God is propagated and preached by healed, delivered and empowered lives who have been put together again by the King of Kings. Many who were once broken have been tucked away for repairs by the King for such a time as this...When you are about Kingdom business, you rejoice when you see other branches and works being raised up around you to do exploits in His name. Today, ministries become jealous and intimidated when someone else opens up a church in "their region" and feel like you are encroaching on Holy Ground!
I heard the Lord say that many cities, like the one I reside in is like a "Valley of Kings". These kings have promised much but produced little. As a result, a population of sick, anemic and self-centered wondering sheep have been produced who have been led about by Saul's rather than David's. They have not been equipped to be released; only to stay and serve another. They've looked for and been led by Kings when God wanted them to follow Him fully. Other leaders under these Kings have been taken captive and made slaves. They are burnt stones but God is rearranging and restoring these stones to be built up unto a Holy Priesthood. I prophet I know teaches that God is taking stones out of quarries from other places to repair His temple elsewhere. (2 Kings 22: 6). His sheep know His voice and will follow Him where they need their souls restored and their giftings can be utilized to do Kingdom exploits. No man is an island unto himself/ herself. It takes a tribe to advance the Kingdom. Many tribes in 'unity' can do even more. Do we serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or some other god that puts a ministry tribe under some 'other' category or Kingship?
"And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men." 1 Samuel 22: 2
Those who are discouraged, in debt and tired of being enslaved by a King mentality be encouraged....God is raising up a Davidic priesthood again! He says that it is time for the King of Kings to be lifted up in the valley and in this nation, and God's sheep will be restored to the King of Kings through servant leaders who will feed them the hidden manna of Heaven. They have adopted the ministry philosophy of Jesus and govern by example and humility. They put others’ welfare before their own (Philippians 2: 6-8). As a result, the Lord’s ekklésia (church-called out ones) will be challenged to grow up in Christ Jesus and follow the Leadership of the Holy Spirit and the ministry pattern of Jesus Christ; not the precepts and dead principles taught by powerless men/ women who are like clouds without rain.
God is sending out a clarion call to those who will hear. The remnant will hear but the Pharisees will be wroth.....the already are!
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Revelations 22: 17
Forgive us Lord, for following man, rather than seeking your Lordship and following the leading of your Holy Spirit. Forgive us for not taking responsibility for our own spiritual health and running here and there to hear things preached that are blowing in the wind rather than studying to show ourselves approved unto God. Forgive us for not seeking your Face and seeking favors instead. Forgive us for allowing man to rule over us rather than the Lordship of Christ Jesus and striving to perform well in order to seek our identity in what we do rather than whose we are.
Come Lord Jesus and awaken your Bride, deliver us from evil and ignite our passion for our first love once again. Have mercy on us, and raise up remnant leaders for your remnant church to bring YOUR Kingdom to this earth before your second coming....We pray for laborers in the Harvest who don't work for mammon but live off the hidden manna of God.
One small voice in the desert/ Servant Leader, Mary Ann Wray
A true prophetic voice will fearlessly incur the wrath of the religious rather than appeal to the senses of the masses and win man's praise.....
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