Creating A Culture of Honor
Creating a Culture of Honor:
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
Pastor Mary Ann Wray
May the Father rebuild a culture of scriptural honor and balance back in His House. I believe He is doing it NOW but it is an arduous and on purpose process for the current generation of spiritual leaders!
We’ve seen two extremes in our culture. The first one is a total lack of honor at one extreme (like we see being demonstrated in our secular government right now) and hatred for traditionally (in the good sense) established authority. The other extreme was and is being the fear to “not touch” God‘s anointed which can wind up in a form of man worship with the Master/ slave dynamic in ministry.
There is a biblical balance and principal seen all throughout the word of God concerning the Father’s love and desire for multi generational purposes.
The first commandment with a promise is to “honor your father and mother (elders). “ It is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with us and we may live long upon the earth.
To honor and Elder is to honor God’s established order for a culture, home, church and in every other structure. We don’t honor their sins and mistakes; we honor the order that God has established.
The word “honor” used over 130 times in the Old (kabod) and New (time’) Testaments basically means the same thing “to place a weighty value upon; valuing the price paid; a receipt for a person or thing bought or sold. To show honor which one has by reason of rank and state of office which they hold.”
What you value you will attract. Likewise what you dishonor you will repel. We have a generation of people with an orphan spirit today because they reject authority due to personal abuses and hurts. May the Father heal all of that in our hearts so that we may return to the heart of the Father!
There are things to honor about our elders as well their experience, the price they paid to attain what they have along with their personal pains etc. There is a lot of good we tend overlook when we magnify and focus on their missteps, sins and mistakes.
Yes there have been great abuses and still are to this day. But just because there are abuses doesn’t change the mind of God about the need for government. It is man that changes not the Father! Satan wants us to crush God’s order and replace it with a man-made form of government. It won’t work any better than an abused and corrupted order. It will just wind up being another Babel experience full of confusion and chaos.
In order to receive a fathers blessing there has to be honor to that father. Esau dishonored his father by selling his birthright to feed his own flesh. How many people today are selling off their spiritual birthright without realizing it by trying to do things to either please their flesh or get what they want when they want it? It takes faith and patience to wait on the Father’s blessing. This doesn’t sit too well with an instant coffee culture.
If we want multi generational transfer and multi generational blessing there must be generational honor to the elders that God has established in his kingdom and in his house.
We run from pillar to post looking for the next blessing of the Holy Spirit but do we recognize who God has surrounded us with in terms of wisdom, anointing, life experience, and Grace?
When we become born again we are all part of the same family and are on the same playing field (so to speak) level as sons and daughters.
But this is not so in God’s established Kingdom order and government. To deny that is to disregard authority and operate in a spirit of rebellion.
Paul instructed the men of God in the New Testament to ordain elders in every city. You were not born in elder- you develop into one over time, faithfulness, character, proving, all sorts of tests and overcoming faith.
I believe the Father is yearning and wanting and moving in the direction of establishing multi generational relationships in houses of worship for the purpose of raising up Elisha‘s from Elijah’s.
Elisha served Elijah and “washed his hands” but at the end of the day he called him “my father. “ He had the heart and the spirit of Elijah based out of a passion for God and honor of the older generation’s anointing.
We have a generation of people today that want the power but they don’t want to pay the price of holiness and righteousness.
We’ll pay thousands of dollars for schooling and mentoring when many times what we need is right in front of us. That’s not to say we don’t need to get away and get refreshed or receive any kind of education. But we can’t ignore and disgrace the high price that our elders have paid to walk with God today.
If the next generation is to move in greater power and glory than our previous generations have, there has to be reestablishment of honor along with a heart to serve.
I believe this is part of the Malachi 4: 5-6 mandate: To turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers.
We’ve got to shift out of a mentor mentality to discipleship and sonship mentality within the context of the house of the Lord. We have to shift from a conference mentality to a house and family mentality.
Conferences (and I love them!) cannot take the place of the local church family. The father is redefining and shifting the emphasis back to his house For the purpose of raising up end time Elisha’s. Selah
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
Pastor Mary Ann Wray
May the Father rebuild a culture of scriptural honor and balance back in His House. I believe He is doing it NOW but it is an arduous and on purpose process for the current generation of spiritual leaders!
We’ve seen two extremes in our culture. The first one is a total lack of honor at one extreme (like we see being demonstrated in our secular government right now) and hatred for traditionally (in the good sense) established authority. The other extreme was and is being the fear to “not touch” God‘s anointed which can wind up in a form of man worship with the Master/ slave dynamic in ministry.
There is a biblical balance and principal seen all throughout the word of God concerning the Father’s love and desire for multi generational purposes.
The first commandment with a promise is to “honor your father and mother (elders). “ It is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with us and we may live long upon the earth.
To honor and Elder is to honor God’s established order for a culture, home, church and in every other structure. We don’t honor their sins and mistakes; we honor the order that God has established.
The word “honor” used over 130 times in the Old (kabod) and New (time’) Testaments basically means the same thing “to place a weighty value upon; valuing the price paid; a receipt for a person or thing bought or sold. To show honor which one has by reason of rank and state of office which they hold.”
What you value you will attract. Likewise what you dishonor you will repel. We have a generation of people with an orphan spirit today because they reject authority due to personal abuses and hurts. May the Father heal all of that in our hearts so that we may return to the heart of the Father!
There are things to honor about our elders as well their experience, the price they paid to attain what they have along with their personal pains etc. There is a lot of good we tend overlook when we magnify and focus on their missteps, sins and mistakes.
Yes there have been great abuses and still are to this day. But just because there are abuses doesn’t change the mind of God about the need for government. It is man that changes not the Father! Satan wants us to crush God’s order and replace it with a man-made form of government. It won’t work any better than an abused and corrupted order. It will just wind up being another Babel experience full of confusion and chaos.
In order to receive a fathers blessing there has to be honor to that father. Esau dishonored his father by selling his birthright to feed his own flesh. How many people today are selling off their spiritual birthright without realizing it by trying to do things to either please their flesh or get what they want when they want it? It takes faith and patience to wait on the Father’s blessing. This doesn’t sit too well with an instant coffee culture.
If we want multi generational transfer and multi generational blessing there must be generational honor to the elders that God has established in his kingdom and in his house.
We run from pillar to post looking for the next blessing of the Holy Spirit but do we recognize who God has surrounded us with in terms of wisdom, anointing, life experience, and Grace?
When we become born again we are all part of the same family and are on the same playing field (so to speak) level as sons and daughters.
But this is not so in God’s established Kingdom order and government. To deny that is to disregard authority and operate in a spirit of rebellion.
Paul instructed the men of God in the New Testament to ordain elders in every city. You were not born in elder- you develop into one over time, faithfulness, character, proving, all sorts of tests and overcoming faith.
I believe the Father is yearning and wanting and moving in the direction of establishing multi generational relationships in houses of worship for the purpose of raising up Elisha‘s from Elijah’s.
Elisha served Elijah and “washed his hands” but at the end of the day he called him “my father. “ He had the heart and the spirit of Elijah based out of a passion for God and honor of the older generation’s anointing.
We have a generation of people today that want the power but they don’t want to pay the price of holiness and righteousness.
We’ll pay thousands of dollars for schooling and mentoring when many times what we need is right in front of us. That’s not to say we don’t need to get away and get refreshed or receive any kind of education. But we can’t ignore and disgrace the high price that our elders have paid to walk with God today.
If the next generation is to move in greater power and glory than our previous generations have, there has to be reestablishment of honor along with a heart to serve.
I believe this is part of the Malachi 4: 5-6 mandate: To turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers.
We’ve got to shift out of a mentor mentality to discipleship and sonship mentality within the context of the house of the Lord. We have to shift from a conference mentality to a house and family mentality.
Conferences (and I love them!) cannot take the place of the local church family. The father is redefining and shifting the emphasis back to his house For the purpose of raising up end time Elisha’s. Selah
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