Kingdom Balance
Kingdom Balance~
Mary Ann Wray
‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Acts 17: 28
Some of you may
be old enough to remember the variety shows of the 1960's and 1970's. One of
our family favorites was the Ed Sullivan Show. He'd have all kinds of gymnasts,
illusionists and balancing acts on the show to entertain families in a fun and
wholesome way.
My favorite act
on the show was the plate spinning act. They'd gather up a bunch of flexible
poles, put one plate at a time on the tip of each one, and spin them around one
after another after another. After all the plates started spinning, they had
the task of keeping them going on the poles before they lost momentum and
crashed. There were at least a dozen plates spinning at one time! We wondered
how they did it all. My mom, dad and I held our breath while sitting at the edge of
our seats watching to see when/ if a plate would crash because the spinner
wasn't swift enough or forgot one of the plates altogether.
I got to
thinking about this today and the fact that we can get so busy 'multitasking'
that we can actually lose spiritual momentum. If we're not careful our focus
can get off the One who keeps us going through 'busyness' and we end up spiritually
crashing in some way.
Jesus doesn't
want us to crash. He wants us to rest in Him. His yoke is easy and His burden
is light. It's in Him we live and move and have our being. By getting too busy
and preoccupied, the enemy can distract us from the main thing which is HIM! We
forget who we ARE in Him and get caught up in what I can DO for Him! Yes, faith
without works is dead, but there is a balance between spinning in my own
strength and yielding to His presence!
His Kingdom is
within us. It is righteousness, peace and joy. When I begin falling under
condemnation, or get into anxiety and depression, this lets me know that my
life is out of balance in some way. One of my plates is about to crash! I need
to go back to the Father and get a fresh breath of His air and momentum in my
lungs and let Him dish up my recipe for rest!
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