This word is for somebody. I pray it will bring understanding to your situation. God loves you!
"For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God." Deuteronomy 4: 24
"You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20: 3
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3: 17-18
You may wonder why things may not be working out as you've planned or prayed, and every step you take forward seems to take you further backwards.
It's like the fire gets hotter and hotter and you grow more and more weary. Maybe God is trying to get your attention and burn off the dross so you can see HIM in HIS beauty and majesty! Maybe there are things in your life that are masking His face? Maybe you can't see Him as Father and you doubt His goodness because your earthly Father was a scoundrel and authority figures misuses and abused you. But that's not ABBA Father!
You see if we try to get from a man, a woman, a ministry, money, material things and other temporary pleasures/ things, what we were designed to get from God - that is idolatry! Jesus came to show us the Father and He is GOOD but He doesn't play around with the sin of idolatry! Even Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love GOD with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength!
He is jealous over you, loves you and wants YOU-your whole heart, mind, soul and strength because He created you in HIS Image-not some other.
He sees anything we replace Him with as an idol. It can be men, money, ministry, music, marijuana, booze, women, and 'good things' as well as bad things.
He wants to be numero uno in our lives and will test our hearts to see if we'll be faithful to Him without receiving any favors. Ouch!
He's not a 'Sugar Daddy' . He is Abba Father God! He searches our hearts to see how and why we love and serve Him not for what we can get from Him.
Men/ women will love us for sex, comfort, and other stuff, but when the favors stop so does their love. God loves us for us-not what we can do for Him. He wants the same love in return. He wants us to love Him for Him-not what He can give us, although He owns it all and we are seated WITH Him in a High place! He's a GOOD Father.
If you've trusted in man, as I have many times in the past, I encourage you to repent, seek the Father and turn away from anything or anyone that masks Jesus' face with another. He said, "My sheep know my voice and another they won't receive."
He is your provider, healer, lover and God FIRST! But He wants to see if we really love Him as God or just somebody we turn to in a time of crisis. He's already met our needs according to HIS RICHES! If you are a son or daughter and KNOW Him as Father, there's no problem getting what you need! Just read Matthew 6!
But God doesn't play when it comes to idolatry. If He sees anything in my heart that I depend on more than Him, He will strip it away so He can show up and show out as MY GOD!
It's easy to praise Him and serve Him when everything is going well, but what happens when the heat gets turned up?
The 3 Hebrew boys didn't fight the fire, they went through it and came out without a singe because they fully trusted God to the DEATH. Do we?
They came through and we can too. Exactly when does the fiery process of refinement stop? It really depends on how much we'll love and trust our Father for who He IS, despite the heat getting turned up seven times hotter!
Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow HIM. If it means doing it alone at times, then so be it. BUT HE will NEVER leave us or forsake us. He will show up when we bow out of idolatry!
He calls us to forsake ALL to follow Him! It begins in our hearts not our pocket books and pillow cases. That will come automatically.
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