Who's Family do we really belong to?

Kingdom Family Life

Doing life together is just as important as doing ministry together.

If we don’t “break bread”, talk about our struggles openly,  pray and support each other in our humanity, and do things outside of the four walls of the church with other disciples, supernatural things can quickly become a source of conflict.

Jesus spent time with his closest  disciples.  Therefore, their ministry was built upon and as a result of relationship and their relationship produced lasting fruit of Holy Spirit ministry everywhere they went!

Their relationships were purposeful yet not without conflict.

Without purposeful relationships,  ministry can quickly become a battlefield.

If we purposely pursue fellowship out side of ministry this will help prevent falling into the trap of becoming too busy or knowing one another only by our gifting‘s rather than who we are as children of God/ family.

We can’t let the basis of our relationships solely be established upon what we do rather than who we are. That's exactly how we came into relationship with the father… Through the blood of the lamb and  sing adopted into His family as  sons and daughters.

They should be established by and upon the fact that we are his sons and daughters regardless of our experience, age, race or backgrounds.

Iron sharpens iron best through friendship not duty.

“I no longer call you servants because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. But I call you friends.” Jesus


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