
Showing posts from November, 2018

Spiritual Fog

Spiritual Fog! Mary Ann Wray We had a guest minister with us today that delivered an on-time and awesome word about identity and sonship. He told me on the way to Columbus this morning that the fog was slowing him down a bit. However, he arrived right on time! I got to thinking about fog and the fact that it is created when two temperatures or atmospheres clash! Only a sustained even temperature can make fog dissipate over time. In the spirit realm, it seems there are always two atmospheres at war and clashing around us. Both are in a contest for our attention! One atmosphere brings clarity and the other a spirit of confusion obscuring our view of the Father's love. Worship in the presence of God and revelation from His Word has a way of clearing up the spiritual fog that wants to cloud our view of who we are in Christ and how much the Father loves us. Because He first loved us, we can love Him and one another the same way!

Connect the dots but be careful how you do it!

Connect the dots but be careful how you do it... Mary Ann Wray "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16: 13 Connecting the dots coloring books were one of my favorite childhood pastimes. However, due to some vision challenges and math dysgrafia I needed help connecting the dots with more complex pictures. My mom was the best assistant when it came to helping me out! However, when I tried to complete some of the more complex pictures on my own I became frustrated and disappointed with the results. I would invariably miss some of the  numbers on the more challenging pictures. If I connected them as I saw them verses how they really were, the picture would end up being skewed! Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that puzzle or are perplexing to our own understanding. It may seem like things around us or thi...

You've been upgraded!

It takes Five to Thrive

True ascension gift pastors according to Ephesians 4: 9-13 that lead a local assembly by vocation and obedience to Christ have a very difficult task and challenging way to travel. They are married to the sheep much in the same way Hosea was married to Gomer and Jesus is married to the backslider. Pray for them daily! Pray that Jesus would provide and they would recognize trusted Ascension Gift elders as a ministry team to help them guide local ekklesia in tending Jesus flock and advancing His Kingdom in the earth. Pastors are not meant to stand and labor alone! It takes five to thrive! The paradigm must shift from one lead pastor to a ministry team of elders or men/ women will continue to experience burn out, frustration, needless casualties of war and stunted ministry growth. This was the model of the early church especially at Antioch. This must be the model of the latter church.

Trophies of Grace

Trophies of grace... Mary Ann Wray Honestly when I look back over the past six decades of life lived on this earth I can declare that it is a miracle I am in my right mind and still standing. You and I are trophies of his grace and through the power of Jesus Christ and his shed blood we can overcome anything. Like many of you I have a crazy testimony of His saving grace. I've dodged death more than once, been falsely accused an arrested twice because of it, two mental hospital commitments, lost a son in a car accident and more... but Jesus! Through Christ, we ARE overcomers! I retired from secular work the end of last year to give myself more fully to HIM to minister HIS gospel. I am willing to share HIS Story with whomever and where ever God sends me. I am not ashamed of His gospel that sets the captive free... I have no personal or hidden agenda, and no desire to build my own ministry; only a desire to be used as a vessel for Jesus and see people com...

Date Rape/ Relationship Rape

Date Rape/ Relationship Rape... Mary Ann Wray This is the first time I've shared this publicly but I feel prompted to do it. This testimony may help someone else. I will do whatever I can through Holy Spirit to expose the works and strategies of the enemy. It's time to shout from the house tops the things the devil does in secret to rob, kill and to destroy God's apex of creation-you and I. Many years ago after a High School  Prom, I was date raped. My boyfriend at the time lured me into a situation and took full advantage of me. He forced me to strip down naked and then forced himself on me. I lost my virginity and most of all lost all sense of dignity. At first I blamed myself but I realized that he used and abused me to fulfill his own lust. He cared nothing about me as a person. We broke up soon afterwards and I made up my mind that no one would take advantage of me like that again even though I felt rejected by him. That rejection actually saved ...

The Great "GO" Mission.....

The Great "GO" Mission..... What is Your Ministry Baseline??? What is your dream? What is your vision? What has God called you to do? Have you ever been asked that question and your mind begins to wander and wonder? You've taken the spiritual gift tests and personality tests....You serve, work, pray, wait and do in the ministry or your church.....but what next you may ask? What's it all about Alfie as the song in the 60's used to say? What is the ministry 'base-line' s to speak? I hate to over simplify but here's the truth. There is ONE Common Denominator that binds us together in the UNITY of the SPIRIT in the Kingdom of God regardless of age, race, color, experience, denomination, church affiliation or lack there of... My friends, there is only ONE Dream, ONE Vision AND ONE Calling. It's God's dream, God's vision and God's calling regardless of your 'gift', talents, and personality...

Filet of Soul

Filet of Soul Ps Mary Ann Wray The Lord gave me this word this morning...I hope it helps someone out there... Hebrews 4: 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. The word of God separates (merismos) soul from spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can divide the soul (unredeemed mind, will and emotions) from spirit (our completed spirit man) and reveal the deepest intentions of our heart verses His perfect will and thoughts! This is the chastening process of the Lord to His sons and daughters (Hebrews 12: 4-17). Merismos is the continual process of separating soulishness (intellect, reasoning, emotionalism, self-will) from truly wa...