Connect the dots but be careful how you do it!
Connect the dots but be careful how you do it...
Mary Ann Wray
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16: 13
Connecting the dots coloring books were one of my favorite childhood pastimes. However, due to some vision challenges and math dysgrafia I needed help connecting the dots with more complex pictures.
My mom was the best assistant when it came to helping me out! However, when I tried to complete some of the more complex pictures on my own I became frustrated and disappointed with the results. I would invariably miss some of the numbers on the more challenging pictures. If I connected them as I saw them verses how they really were, the picture would end up being skewed!
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that puzzle or are perplexing to our own understanding. It may seem like things around us or things we've been used to have become disconnected and unfamiliar. This usually happens in times of transition when God is getting ready to move us out of one season into the next or change our assignment.
However, we have to be careful how we see the circumstances or else we can connect spiritual dots in our lives and circumstances in a skewed way producing a different result than what the Father's Heart has for us - especially in times of transition. There is a human reasoning that seems right but can easily wind up with a disconnected and incorrect picture of the way things really are in the spirit realm. This can get us off track from the direction that God wants to take us. We only know in part and prophesy in part but Holy Spirit is the One who leads and guides us into ALL truth! He is our Paraclete and lives on the inside of us. We can trust His direction, even when it doesn't make sense to our mind.
Holy Spirit revelation provides clear vision, understanding, selfless love and Kingdom Advancement from the heart of Jesus and positions us to see more clearly. He always confirms His word out of the mouth of two or more witnesses.
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