The Great "GO" Mission.....

The Great "GO" Mission.....

What is Your Ministry Baseline???

What is your dream? What is your vision? What has God called you to do?

Have you ever been asked that question and your mind begins to wander and wonder? You've taken the spiritual gift tests and personality tests....You serve, work, pray, wait and do in the ministry or your church.....but what next you may ask? What's it all about Alfie as the song in the 60's used to say?

What is the ministry 'base-line' s to speak? I hate to over simplify but here's the truth. There is ONE Common Denominator that binds us together in the UNITY of the SPIRIT in the Kingdom of God regardless of age, race, color, experience, denomination, church affiliation or lack there of...

My friends, there is only ONE Dream, ONE Vision AND ONE Calling. It's God's dream, God's vision and God's calling regardless of your 'gift', talents, and personality.

It WAS and IS JESUS' GREAT CO-MISSION! It's the great "GO"-Mission!

It is fleshed out through thousands if not millions of different vessels and different methods and ways but there is only ONE MESSAGE that's PROPELS the VISION of GOD! RECONCILIATION TO THE FATHER THROUGH CHRIST-THE GREAT CO-MISSION is a GO-MISSION not a 'STAY' Mission. Yes, some will not physically "GO" but we are all part of the GO is some way, shape or form. God SENT His son Jesus to GO to the world to save us! There were times Jesus wept, prayed, fasted, set himself apart, slept, fished, cast out devils and waited behind while his friends were sick. But He had the GO in His spirit fueled by selfless LOVE!

The Father's Heart is Reconciling Man to Himself through His Son JESUS CHRIST and His shed blood. This is the MINISTRY we have received. The ministry of reconciliation!!!!

Some of you are frustrated because you feel like you have to work to be accepted and work to be approved by God. Get equipped, edified, healed then GO!!!

Read Matthew 28 and Mark 16 and Selah.

Mary Ann Wray


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