Date Rape/ Relationship Rape

Date Rape/ Relationship Rape...
Mary Ann Wray

This is the first time I've shared this publicly but I feel prompted to do it. This testimony may help someone else. I will do whatever I can through Holy Spirit to expose the works and strategies of the enemy. It's time to shout from the house tops the things the devil does in secret to rob, kill and to destroy God's apex of creation-you and I.

Many years ago after a High School Prom, I was date raped. My boyfriend at the time lured me into a situation and took full advantage of me. He forced me to strip down naked and then forced himself on me. I lost my virginity and most of all lost all sense of dignity.

At first I blamed myself but I realized that he used and abused me to fulfill his own lust. He cared nothing about me as a person. We broke up soon afterwards and I made up my mind that no one would take advantage of me like that again even though I felt rejected by him. That rejection actually saved me.

From that time forward I could always sense when a young man wanted to use and abuse me and I would walk out on dates and situations much to their surprise and chagrin.

Many times rape can occur within a "relationship" and we not even see it for what it is. Due to a person's insecurities, need for love and affirmation they fall into the trap of being used, abused or misused by someone else.

This happens spiritually as well as in the natural. Once you've been taken advantage of you can recognize the pattern so don't feel guilty about it.

The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. You can be in a state of emotional brokenness but have powerful spiritual gifts. There are those who will use you to benefit their ministry and not see the brokenness inside of you. When you feel like your dignity and worth are being stripped away through misuse or abuse Jesus covers your shame. He took your shame on the cross. He promises to give you double for your shame! The Kingdom of God is based out of relationship-not your performance or lack thereof.

It's up to you to be honest with yourself and see where you are broken and allow God to take you through a process of healing even if it means being still for a season. He will show you who to go to for help and if there is no one else you have HIM first and foremost!

That inner healing and deliverance can only come from the good shepherd Himself. Learn to be a daughter or a son before you start "doing" ministry or you will fail at both.

If you don't get healed, you may find yourself in a situation of being raped for what you can offer someone else - not understanding your true value as a son/ daughter.

Satan will use your own brokenness to make you bitter against the house of God and ministry in general. Don't let him do it. Get healed by Jesus! Psalm 23


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