Can't Buy Me Love
Mary Ann Wray
The Father woke me up at 2
a.m. this morning. Later on In our time of intimacy He began to show me that
there are spiritual orphans trying to buy love in so many different ways. A few
ways are that some men try to buy love from prostitutes and for sex. They buy big fancy houses, expensive cars, sharp looking clothing all to impress. Some women
try to buy love by putting on heavy makeup and fancy locks of hair to make themselves look
better and attractive. They compete with other women and or try lure the opposite sex for attention and affection. Some pay psychics to read
their mail and give them a good fortune. Why? The Lord says, "What are they trying to prove to me and what is it they are longing for? I know what it is says the Father. They want and need more of Me!
Even after some of my children come to know my Son Jesus, they still retain an orphan mentality that carries over into their daily lives and ministry. I'm not worried about how they look, what they possess or if they like nice things. I'm not against that at all. But I want them to know what has them and if they are captivated by me or captured by something else? I am more concerned with their heart condition and the orphan mentality many of my children still have as their main frame of thought. They still try to buy love through the same old ways but add a twist of spirituality to it. They strive and work hard to please others, or build their own ministries.
They seek out other orphans to make them cloned proselytes by telling them empty promises. Orphans will give gifts to curry favor, while keeping a broken heart. Others work hard to impress people with their gifts. Some work so hard to prove what good sons and daughters they are and they become exhausted and puffed up with pride. They get secretly offended at me because what they are doing, isn't working. They don't recognize that I am the Great One working behind the scenes on their behalf despite their striving to bless them because I love them. They frustrate my grace so many times because they keep kicking against what I want versus what they want. It's not their greatness and hard work that brings the blessing. The blessing is because they are my sons! Did they forget about Abraham and Jesus? Neither one did anything but fully trust me and I led the way for them to follow. Orphans want to lead and ask me to follow them.
They seek out other orphans to make them cloned proselytes by telling them empty promises. Orphans will give gifts to curry favor, while keeping a broken heart. Others work hard to impress people with their gifts. Some work so hard to prove what good sons and daughters they are and they become exhausted and puffed up with pride. They get secretly offended at me because what they are doing, isn't working. They don't recognize that I am the Great One working behind the scenes on their behalf despite their striving to bless them because I love them. They frustrate my grace so many times because they keep kicking against what I want versus what they want. It's not their greatness and hard work that brings the blessing. The blessing is because they are my sons! Did they forget about Abraham and Jesus? Neither one did anything but fully trust me and I led the way for them to follow. Orphans want to lead and ask me to follow them.
Orphans serve and give to be seen and recognized because they are still
thinking like a slave not a son. They don't know how to labor to enter into my
rest. They believe their gifts and works is what validates them and gives them a sense of importance. Tell them I am "The HELPER-the Paraclete! You is kind, you is smart and you is important to ME!" So they can stop striving harder and harder getting more frustrated and exhausted. If you do that you will only get more
puffed up in your thinking and high minded like little children "Look what I can do!" I
can do it better than you!" The Father chuckles at this type of childishness. It's "Ish".
This is not who you are! Religious work is a horrible replacement for my love, inherent power and grace the Father says. It has killed so many of my prophets and children. It has snuffed out so many God dreams. It has snuffed out so many God dreams because of doubt and
unbelief. It has left so many sick and dying prematurely.
He said tell them that they are already validated by the shed
blood of my son. Tell them they have a joint account with me. They are seated
with me in a high place (Ephesians 1,2,3) When He sees you He sees Himself. He doesn't hate
Himself and He doesn't hate anyone.He doesn't hate you. He took care of sin on
Mount Calvary. Did they forget? You are no longer a slave to sin. I nailed it
on the cross. Now walk like a son-not a slave. I give you the grace power which
is God power to live like Jesus. He is not a puppeteer. Don't let anyone put you on a string and manipulate you. That is not how I created you. That is not who I created you to be. You are not a are a son!
The Father said that He gives some of His greatest gifts to
those who have been the most broken because it's a token of His love and favor.
You didn't have to buy His gifts did you?That is not what defines you. My love,
acceptance, forgiveness and favor is what defines you. You are my beloved
treasure. Malachi 3: 16-18 You have been made the accepted in the BELOVED. You
have a problem with intimacy because of your orphan thinking. Cast out the
bondwoman and walk in my freedom.
The orphan mentality, if it is not dislodged from your thinking, will cause you to fall back into the trap and cycle of dead "works" to buy my love and the acceptance of others through your performance. Then you will become religious, rigid, critical and condemning. Kingdom life is not a performance 'stage' it is a Harvest Field. The Harvest is crying out for my sons and daughters to come and rescue them by my love before they rot in the ground.
If you think like and orphan you will either become a copy cat of somebody else or critical of those that know me and exhibit my love. Don't let your love be plastic and superficial. That's not who YOU ARE!
You can cast out a spirit of rejection but the mindset has to
change or you will fall back into the pattern of striving to try and "buy
me love."
It can't produce Kingdom fruit because it is the result of
striving not abiding. He said too many of my leaders are falling into the trap
of works rather than working miracles by abiding in my presence. Remember Peter
and John going to the temple to pray and Peter's shadow healed someone? My
presence was so radiant in Him that His very shadow healed diseases and
dislodged the enemy's stronghold. Ministry is not about performance; it's about
presence. I resist the proud performer who says,"I can do it my way."
but I give grace to the humble abider who says, "Show me Father how to do
it Your Way! John 5: 19
He said that works mentality opens the door to a religious
spirit. The religious Pharisees were spiritual orphans because they didn't
recognize the Father in the Son. Because they rejected us they rejected my
abiding presence. They were busy bodies working, striving, sweating and had no
clue what my love, mercy and grace looked like much less experience it for
themselves. They were judgmental, critical, fault finders, false accusers. They
accused me of having a demon, being crazy, threw me out of the temple and
wanted to hurl me off a cliff. They were angry orphans. They will try to do the
same to you but don't stop LOVING! They will kill some of you but don't stop
LOVING! They did it to me they'll do it to you. But if you lay down your life
every day they can never take LIFE away from you! The same it was with me. No
man took my life because I laid it down.
I was a miracle worker because I abided with the Father. When
you learn to abide in me you too will work miracles. The Pharisees didn't heal
anybody. They couldn't. They didn't know me.
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