The Purpose of the Paraclete!

The Purpose of the Paraclete!

Mary Ann Wray
The Father totally understands the inward struggles we all go through from time to time whether they be emotional, mental, sinful or willful. He may be saying one thing to us when those around us may misjudge and see or say something totally different. Man judges according to the sight of the eyes, but the Father Judges differently-by mercy and grace. He doesn’t measure us based on an outward standard. He measures us by mercy and grace! He sees the heart; its motives, its condition and the hurts and He has a remedy for it all! When Jesus called something out, He always had a remedy. The woman at the well experienced that first hand. She was living in a less than perfect set of circumstances, but Jesus addressed the real issue-the issue of her identity and how she saw God! Jesus lifted her up out of that mindset! The Father calls us up to crown us; not out to shame us! On second thought, the only things He calls us out of is out of darkness so that we can walk into His marvelous light.

It’s important in times of transition and inner transformation to know who you are in Christ Jesus as a New Creature (unprecedented and never seen before) and trust His heart to navigate you safely through sometimes bumpy waters. Man tends to look at outward behavior as clues to figure out what’s happening within you, similar to the way Eli judged Hannah, but He missed the mark. Don’t allow other’s misjudgments get you off track! The Paraclete is like a ‘seeing eye dog’. He is able to take and lead you in the paths of righteousness you are not able to properly discern where you are or where you need to go! His path is pleasantness and His way is peace!

It’s important to stay FOCUSED on the Father and learn to hear His still small voice. This requires a discipline that will cause you to have to choose what you hear, how you hear, and what you believe If you are a son/ daughter of God, you have the ability to block out the voices in your head and around you that sometimes scream at us! These voices can bring confusion, condemnation and feelings of contempt. However, Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light! The Paraclete may even be taking you in a completely different direction than what you think or where you are now. He may be wanting to upgrade your thinking and mindset differently than what you hear and see around you or what you are accustomed to. The Holy Spirit and His anointing has the function to counsel, teach and guide us if we will just listen to Him. Yes, He may use man, but usually it is to confirm what we’ve been praying and asking for. I find, that if I go to man firt before consulting the Paraclete, I will always wind up confused in some measure.

Jesus said, “See first the Kingdom….” What this means is that every Kingdom has a King. Who is your King? Man, was not meant to be your King. When the people asked for a King, Samuel the prophet’s heart became grieved. God allowed Saul to be King, but that was not His original intent for the people of God. His intent for His people, and still is that we be led by His voice-not by a man.

You can trust the heart of your Heavenly Father. Jesus came to show us the Father because He knew we were orphans after the fall. We have been reconciled to Him through the shed blood of Christ. Therefore, as His sheep, we hear His voice! Selah!


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