What's Your Mantra?”

What's Your  Mantra?
Mary Ann Wray

As a former student of Transcendental Meditation, I was given a “Mantra” on the day of my ‘initiation’ to repeat and meditate upon. This mantra would supposedly enable me to ‘transcend’ the negativity and ways of thinking that would obstruct my ‘higher self’ or reaching a greater level of consciousness. The Lord opened my spiritual eyes one day, and allowed me to see and hear what I was chanting to. I literally saw a demonic face laughing at me and a spirit of fear filled my room. I immediately jumped out of my lotus position, pulled open the window shades and said out loud, "Forget this! I'm done!" Shortly afterwards I was introduced to the glorious person of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit reminded me today of this and said, “What is your NEW TRUE mantra?” In other words, what is it that I meditate on, confess and rehearse in my mind and with my mouth on a daily basis that makes God's reality in my life more evident day by day? What is it that will enable me to transcend the negativity around me and being hurled at me by the enemy of my soul? What is it that will enable me to achieve and maintain the Christ IN ME consciousness (not the “New age Christ”) given to me through the New Birth?
You see, I later learned that mantras in T.M. are actually demon entities in the Hindu religion. What I was doing was repeating the name of a demon, and in so doing drawing ‘strength’ from that entity. I renounced that once I learned what it was, but I had and have to ‘replace’ that wrong source of ‘strength’ with Jesus, His Word, my confession of that Word and the renewing of my mind with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
Zechariah 4: 6-7 says, “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but it’s by my spirit says the Lord! What are you mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel (one sown in Babylon: confusion by mixture) you will become level ground. Then e will bring out the capstone to shouts saying “Grace, grace to it (the mountain)!”
What’s your mantra today? Mine is Jesus, grace, mercy, righteousness in Christ and love! As I study and memorize His Word, Holy Spirit brings to my remembrance passages and promises that I repeat OUTLOUD and meditate on daily! So can you! You need to beloved!

Yours in the journey!
Mary Ann


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